Syngonium 'Neon Pink'
By Delonix1

12 Oct, 2010
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My pink Syngonium has been under my plant table in the back yard for 7 years. It seems to love the light conditions under this table. I cut it back every couple of years. Photo taken Oct. 11, 2010.
Comments on this photo
In a terrarium setting it should do very well.
I guess it needs quite a bit of bright light to keep the leaves pink. My plant is in the backyard and it gets a lot of sun in winter...even under this table.
15 Oct, 2010
will have to take a pic of my little one and post it...
15 Oct, 2010
I look forward to seeing it. :>)
16 Oct, 2010
LOL! I have one... just brought it indoors. think I might try to find a place for it in the terrarium. I love the pink leaves... in winter when the light is poor it becomes mostly green.
14 Oct, 2010