The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak (Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak)

My largest and oldest Brazilian Red Cloak started blooming a couple of weeks ago. Brazilian Red Cloak is the most incredibly beautiful flowering (bracts) shrubs in the world. It blooms from fall through winter...and sometimes intermittently throughout the year. Photo taken Oct. 12, 2010.

Comments on this photo


It is glorious palmate

13 Oct, 2010


Wonderful ...

13 Oct, 2010


That is pretty special......

13 Oct, 2010



Thanks! It's my favorite shrub in the Acanthaceae (Acanthus) family.

13 Oct, 2010



Thanks! : > )

13 Oct, 2010



It's pretty commonly grown here now. However, 16 years ago when I received this as a small cutting-grown plant from a friend...Brazilian Red Cloak was very uncommon in California. It's very easily grown from cuttings. I've sold so many plants over the years.

13 Oct, 2010


Now that is exotic......

13 Oct, 2010



Yes, it does have exotic bracts. It reminds of Halloween and Christmas time...because that's when it's in full bloom. : > )

14 Oct, 2010


Wowser! very nice, D1. Are the flowers at the axil of the brachts? ...or are they like euphorbia?

14 Oct, 2010



Yes, the flowers are white and bloom from within the bracts.

15 Oct, 2010

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak.

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