Justicia carnea - Brazilian Plume Flower
By Delonix1

14 Oct, 2010
Brazilian Plume flower is one of the easiest plants to grow. I used to have dozens. It blooms off-and-on all year. This plant is growing in the Botanical Building in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. on Sept. 29, 2010.
Comments on this photo
Even more spectacular now there bigger pictures :o)))
14 Oct, 2010
Very nice.
14 Oct, 2010
You should see very large, old plants...they can be very spectacular in bloom! ...looking like big pink candelabras.
14 Oct, 2010
I agree. This new GoY format has bigger pics...just still getting used to it though. : > )
14 Oct, 2010
Thanks! : >)
14 Oct, 2010
Not frost hardy I presume!!
14 Oct, 2010
This plant is very strange. It is always reported hardy to only 28F/ -2C. It is much, much hardier than that though. If it's grown in a very shaded, protected spot -- I think it should survive down to 22F/ -5.5C. My plants survived (without any damage at all) this temp in the great freeze of 1990 (worst freeze ever recorded) in the San Francisco Bay Area.
It can be grown as an annual, then take cuttings in late summer or early fall...as they grow very easily from cuttings.
15 Oct, 2010
Oh dear! I wish that you'd said no!
15 Oct, 2010
Okay...it will not grow there. LOL! :>)
15 Oct, 2010
I prefer the green background to the white for the text it was less harsh ..
15 Oct, 2010
I don't mind the white background...but the text is not dark or bold enough.
15 Oct, 2010
Its very definitely pink Meanie...safe from you is it? Lovely pic Delonix, all your plants are so lush!
15 Oct, 2010
Fallen inlove with this one, smashing photos Delonix......I like the white background too, odd when one types it is dark then it changes on the page!!
15 Oct, 2010
Thanks! This is the time of year when many of the tropical plants start blooming such as: orchids, Hong Kong Orchids trees, Calliandra, Tibouchina, many species of Eucalytus, Dombeya, Aloes, and the list goes on and one.
16 Oct, 2010
Is this plant available for sale where you live?
It's available in white and red, although red is not very common anymore. I'll post a pic of the white variety soon.
16 Oct, 2010
Have not seen it for sale....
17 Oct, 2010
That is beautiful........
17 Oct, 2010
Tetrarch - it may be pink, but I do like this. Obviously a nice deep crimson (like Lobelia Tupa maybe) would be perfect!
17 Oct, 2010
If you know someone who has a plant - you can get some cuttings. I just got some cuttings of this plant yesterday (Oct. 16, 2010) from a previous neighbor.
18 Oct, 2010
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Ooh yes.... very nice!
14 Oct, 2010