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backgarden 15.10.10

backgarden 15.10.10

gaura...can`t believe how many flower buds there are on this little plant!

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Lovely coloured foliage Elsie.... very pretty

15 Oct, 2010


I lost one similar to this over the last winter sadly!

15 Oct, 2010


I lost mine also Meanie, think I shall have to have another one though.

16 Oct, 2010


thankyou is a pretty one
sorry you lost yours Meanie &Olive...perhaps i`ll try some cuttings from it but if all else fails buy another one next year!!

16 Oct, 2010


Good idea elsiemay

16 Oct, 2010


a really lovely plant.

16 Oct, 2010 sure is a pretty one!

16 Oct, 2010


Is this the "Siskiyou Pink" Gaura Elsie? I hope it is cos I bought some plug plants this summer and I think these are the same as the pic. I hope so, as they are looking really beautiful. Lets's hope I get them through the winter!

20 Oct, 2010


this is quite a short gaura & i think siskiyou pink is a tall one so don`t think that it is bellflower...i`m not actually sure which one mine is though but they are all lovely!

20 Oct, 2010


Well I'll be very happy if it looks anything like yours Elsie.

20 Oct, 2010



20 Oct, 2010

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