cat with leaf
By Stickitoffee

30 Oct, 2010
this is my cat playing with autumn leaves that i was trying to photo!
Comments on this photo
lovely cat ~ but naughty
fortunately i had already taken the photo i wanted ~ the berried treasure one!
30 Oct, 2010
I did wonder if it was the berried treasure photo. She's such a her colouring.
30 Oct, 2010
Aaaw lovely picture, very pretty cat:-)
Ours was just the same last night,I was trying to make a start on making my christmas cards, he had to be in there in the boxes playing with ribbon and pom poms then decided to stretch out in the middle of everything and go to sleep so not a lot of crafting went on,lol, then he rolled over fell on the floor taking everything with him,lol.
30 Oct, 2010
thank you simbad
yours sounds a lovely cat too!
making christmas cards ~ thats very impressive ~ can you put photo of them on here?
30 Oct, 2010
Awwwwww, that's so sweet :-)))
30 Oct, 2010
So sweet love cats.
30 Oct, 2010
beautifull picture stickytoffee
30 Oct, 2010
Lovely photo....
30 Oct, 2010
thank you everyone! usually she hates the camera but for once she was otherwise occupied and the photo worked.
31 Oct, 2010
Oh what a lovely picture! Gorgeous puss :o))
2 Nov, 2010
thank you
she is a funny character ~ likes to drink out of a running tap as opposed to a bowl with water!!!
2 Nov, 2010
She is lovely....whats her name Stickitoffee?....:>)
3 Nov, 2010
She is called Minty, thanks for the compliment!
3 Nov, 2010
Now that is weird as our cat will only drink from the running tap too, think I put a picture on somewhere, he'll sit on the draining board shouting for someone to turn it on,lol.
Did manage to get a few christmas cards made Stickitoffee will put some piccies on later:-)
5 Nov, 2010
ooh yes please simbad
minty is the same ~ waits on the draining board ~ will also drink from bathroom basin!!!
5 Nov, 2010
a beauty!
15 Nov, 2010
she is very sweet, but doesnt usually like to have her photo taken ~ ive known her to turn her back when the camera comes out!
15 Nov, 2010
How cute is that brilliantly captured.
7 Dec, 2010
also lucky ~ she doesnt like her photo being taken
7 Dec, 2010
Ahrr bless her the stray that comes to me sits there and gives a look as if to say here she goes again lol.
7 Dec, 2010
so sweet! :-D
7 Jan, 2011
Sweeeeet!! Wonderful shot Sticki!!!
22 Feb, 2011
just lucky but i like it! thanks TM
22 Feb, 2011
I think this photo is really really nice :)
22 Feb, 2011
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This photo really tickled me....cats can be so curious and amusing...and possibly frustrating if you were trying to capture a photo of the leaf, minus cat. But....your photo is really cute so no harm done :)
30 Oct, 2010