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Camellia Sasanqua - Rainbow


By Pamd

Camellia Sasanqua - Rainbow (Camellia sasanqua - Rainbow)

My Autumn camellias have started flowering, I prefer these to the spring ones, they dont get caught by the frost so much.

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Wonderful flowers Pam....

4 Nov, 2010


Wow, this reminds me of the Camellias blooming in April went I visited my son in Sydney. I wonder if they would bloom up here in the north east now?

4 Nov, 2010


Janey, ehem...I think you'll find you are not even slightly north!!! lol....I laugh every time I see the news and they refer to everywhere north of the Wash as 'the north east'. Now I live in Eastern Scotland and even we are not in the 'north east' which begins at Aberdeen..ish!!! Even if we're talking England, the north starts about Whitby I reckon! I have a Camellia Sas. in the garden and it's growing beautifully. First year, so no flowers yet, but it's growing. Another one, very small in the greenhouse. I may bring it in to the conservatory. I think they would do really well in there.......ooops, sorry, just remembered your concrete at the back! Another reason for a conservatory campaign.....:)))) No, but seriously, I think you might be ok with a sas. in a sheltered warm spot against your lovely wall......

4 Nov, 2010


When I bought mine last year it was in bud/ sign of a flower bud this year....Ah has lovely glossy leaves..:)

4 Nov, 2010


Ah well AA, you and me, we're northerners!! :))

4 Nov, 2010


Lol Karen! Well if you two up in the arctic regions can grow them, there is hope for me in the sub tropics, phew, fetch me an iced V&T someone, it's really warm here on my concrete....:o))

4 Nov, 2010


LOL!! nice one Janey!!

4 Nov, 2010



5 Nov, 2010

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