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Ilex (Holly)

Ilex (Holly) (Ilex aquifolium (Holly))

Holly with berries

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Looking at your photo makes me think of christmas thank you.

8 Nov, 2010


plenty of berries on, very nice

8 Nov, 2010


lovely colour green - nice holly

8 Nov, 2010


This is one that brightens up the garden this time of year.
Love it.

8 Nov, 2010


We have a lot of holly in the garden. A tip if you want some for Christmas, cut it well in advance as it lasts a long time, this way you can beat the birds to the berries.

9 Nov, 2010


Wish mine was like that Linda. I have a male, self seeded at the bottom of the garden, and the lady is wedged between a choisya and canadiensis with a few berries. GJ wanted a holly. Not really any room.........but I humoured him, as he isn't very well. He is very good about garden centres and the antique centre too. He dozes in the car while I have my fix.

12 Nov, 2010


Seeing this photo has reminded me that there is still green stuff out there.....under all the white stuff!! Thanks Linda!

30 Nov, 2010

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