Erythrina crista-galli - Cockspur Coral Tree
By Delonix1
- 12 Nov, 2010
This Cockspur Coral tree is around the corner from where I live in San Diego, CA. This tree was butchered a month was much taller. Posted for my friend Meanie. Photo taken Nov. 11, 2010.
Comments on this photo
You'll want to prune yours; not butcher it!
I absolutely hate spider mites!!! They can run rampant here on certain plants all year. A good systemic may help. :>)
I'm battling caterpillars right now...they're eating everything in sight!
13 Nov, 2010
I've had a bit of a problem with Totrix moth caterpillar on my Sollya all year!
13 Nov, 2010
Caterpillar are the worst! They can eat the plants up very, very quickly!
14 Nov, 2010
The Totrix caterpillar has a particularly nasty habit - it creates itself a silk-like cacoon, from the safety of which it can eat from the inside out safe from predators. As the most tender leaves tend to be at the growing tip, it tends to stunt growth.
14 Nov, 2010
The Totrix caterpillar sounds like a horrible pest!
We have so many types of caterpillar...not sure of the names (I may have to do some research). They have been so active lately...maybe it's due to the very warm weather we've been having this month.
15 Nov, 2010
It's a real pain Delonix. It's not what it eats that's a problem (it's a small one) but as it concentrates on the tender new growth it stunts the growth of the plant.
15 Nov, 2010
It sounds like a real pain. Can you spray a pesticide on them?
Today I picked 3 more caterpillars off my is really getting eaten up -- this is after I gave it a systemic and pesticide spray. These caterpillars have a voracious appetite. They're driving me nuts!!!
16 Nov, 2010
I'm loathed to spray the Sollya with anything other than water and washing up liquid mix. Their caccoon protects them well! Easiest way, if a little fiddly, to deal with them is to open it up with a tooth pick and squish them! You have to be quick though - boy can they run!
16 Nov, 2010
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I'll be more than happy when mine needs "butchering" Delonix!
The battle with the red spider mite has started on mine! I caught it early and seem to have got on top of it with a weak solution and by putting it out on our cool wet days. The eggs must have sat dormant through the summer months....
12 Nov, 2010