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Cold, damp and quite misty day

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Plays havoc with your hair, ought to have seen mine after walking Fudge this morning,lol.
That time of year again,our pheasants back too, on his own at the moment, he had 5 females with him last year,lol.

19 Nov, 2010


just look at the pheasant, lucky you.

19 Nov, 2010


What a nice specimen of pheasant you have in your garden. Living in an urban area we have nothing so nice as that in our garden!

19 Nov, 2010


No, I don't see a pheasant either, although there are sure to be some in the field behind our neighbours to the rear. Too many bloomin cats and dogs around here!

19 Nov, 2010


We're in the middle of town too, but last year we had a deer in the garden, thought I was halucinating, hoovering upstairs and just saw these antlers out the corner of my eye, don't know where that came from, although have been told there are some in castle hills woods(you'll know where that is Karen) not far away, and if you go near the leisure centre early enough in the morning they're on there, never been up early enough myself,lol.

20 Nov, 2010


Hi Kathy, there seem to be lots of deer around now, Paul says he sees one in the wood when he is walking his dogs, it runs off very quickly, we have heard the Muntjac deer barking at night, it is an horrendous sound sounds like someone in distress, really weird noise.

20 Nov, 2010


Oh, lovely...those Muntjacs are sooooo cute! Good that you know now that the horrible noise is just the deer! Imagine there being deer in Castle Hills woods Kathy. I can't imagine how they get down there...they must come down from thonock or Corringham road area....we used to live there Kathy, in the little cottage at the entrance to the Golf Course.

20 Nov, 2010


and we had goats Kathy, and ducks and geese and mad cows on the golf course. lol.

20 Nov, 2010


Now its funny you should say that Barbara as in the summer time I heard this really strange noise several nights,woke me up, Rob didn't know what it was, really creepy, wonder if that was a deer, think the one in the garden was a Muntjac as it was only small, managed to leap the 8ft hedge though.
Love that little cottage near the golf club, never knew you used to live there, fancy that, lol, mad cows on the golf course.

21 Nov, 2010


Kath, Mum is referring to the time I walked our Labrodor puppy on the golf course and got chased by a herd of Freesians. Never been so scared in my life but it amused the rest of the family no end!

21 Nov, 2010


Still gives us all a giggle even now!!

21 Nov, 2010

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