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thats pretty

19 Nov, 2010


That Camellia must be cracking in the spring! What is happening with roses....any sign of them yet? Mine are not here yet.

19 Nov, 2010


No roses yet Karen, the Camellia was a present from Kevin and Sarah, two Camellias one white one red, they are pretty but never seem to have many flowers, wonder if they dislike the soil where they are. They have got quite a few buds on them this year so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe they have just taken a long time to settle in to their border, they were a bit pot bound when they came, but it is about 5 years now since I put them in there and am really a bit disappointed with them. They grow well but don't flower well. shame

20 Nov, 2010


Ericaceous compost mum. You could try digging them up and putting them in large pots of it. They don't have huge root systems and they don't mind too much being dug up. Or alternatively just dig out a trench around them and put it in there and around the top as a mulch. And try feeding them with specialist food from the GC. Camellias are usually very reliable flowerers.....something isn't right! Could be that they aren't damp enough in the summer. If you don't keep them well watered in summer the flowers won't form.

20 Nov, 2010


Funnily enough Karen I was going to dig them up but never got on with it, I have a spot that they would go well in hopefully, when would be the best time to move them, presumably after they have finished flowering. Have been out sweeping yet more leaves up this morning, and cut back a hardy fuschia just a little to enable some plants growing underneath to see daylight.

20 Nov, 2010


Yes, I think after flowering would probably be the best time. If you move them now you risk losing the buds that you have for the spring.

20 Nov, 2010

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