have you spotted one of these?
By Stickitoffee

19 Nov, 2010
puddsiotis spotticus
Comments on this photo
sorry pip, this wont be observed in australia ~ only britain and a rarity ~ it only flowers once a year!!
19 Nov, 2010
this is a big charity night on tv in britain ~ its headed up by a teddy bear called pudsey who this year is wearing spots!
19 Nov, 2010
Ohhh dear, well I'm glad you could post a pic - seeing as I'll never see it in the flesh ;o(
19 Nov, 2010
wonder if you can buy the seeds lol..
22 Nov, 2010
he he joanella ~ nice one ;o))
22 Nov, 2010
I spy a spotted daisy, very attractive it is too;0)
22 Nov, 2010
i think pudsey grows them in his garden.
22 Nov, 2010
Its lovely so colourful with all those spots.
7 Dec, 2010
it was on children in need tv night
7 Dec, 2010
I did nt see that program, I mainly watch wild life, or gardening, or qi to have a laugh
7 Dec, 2010
Wonderful Daisy. I think it comes from the genus of 'Raisesalotofmoneyus' from the ''Terrywoganus' sub-division, Sticki...lol
11 Dec, 2010
thats the one flori! i believe they are very prolific ~ around november time!?
11 Dec, 2010
Oh a definite Annual flowering plant, though late in the year, the seeds spread far and wide and raises a lot of smiles, but then Daisys can do that for you, don't you find....? lol\0/
13 Dec, 2010
i recognise that definition flori! its a very good one! i think they should sell seeds for it!
13 Dec, 2010
What a lovely idea, Sticki...Puddsiotis Spotticus could be all the rage, and spreads where it touches....our Children in need would love it.....and us gardeners would enjoy it too....and it is a gift of an idea that just keeps growing...\0/
13 Dec, 2010
exactly!! perhaps i should contact a seed company?!
or failing that, i quite fancy making spotty pots to put them in!!
13 Dec, 2010
You could always call it 'The Spotty Dotty Terracotie Potty company', Sticki....Excuse me...just got to go and take the knots out of my tongue....this could take a while......hahaha! \0/x
13 Dec, 2010
a snappy little title methinks!!?? would just roll off the tongue!!??
13 Dec, 2010
Well, after a few stops and starts it might...though if you were a telephonist for the company, you could well end up with RSI, I should think....hahahahaha....
13 Dec, 2010
RSI of the tongue....hmmm that would look good on a doctors certificate ~ i wonder what they would make of that!!!!!?????
13 Dec, 2010
Sticki! Shame on you! lol.The Docs would just look sorrowfully at you and shake their heads and say ,'Oh, not another 'Spotty Dotty Terracotie Potty',employeee......are you by chance...?' LOL!
13 Dec, 2010
i dont know what you mean!!??
i suppose it wouldnt matter to a doctor ~ you cant read what they write anyway
13 Dec, 2010
Ah, how true that is....lol
13 Dec, 2010
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the incredibly rare Spotted Daisy, I believe...
19 Nov, 2010