anyone for an ice cream cone?
- 30 Nov, 2010
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Comments on this photo
Oooooooer what a lovely winter wonderland Helen. Take you a long time to lick your way through that! What a lorra snow. Here in Essex it has snowed a lot, but one day it was thawing very slightly too, it kept it back a bit. Keep warm and snug and the bill comes later.
4 Dec, 2010
that ice cream is now over the top of the hook !!! wish someone would lick it lol
4 Dec, 2010
Whatever is in the basket is well insulated Helen! Those poor yellow flowers look a bit uncomfortable. Our snow vanished very rapidly after a sudden temp rise and a bit of rain. No frost last night contrary to weather forecast. Thank goodness they are sometimes wrong, as the pavements still have some trodden in ice patches.
5 Dec, 2010
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25 Aug, 2008
Lots of snow there!! and Does look like an ice cream cornet!
30 Nov, 2010