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Xmas Lavender


By Valadel

Xmas Lavender

On my door is a placard saying "Wanted, jolly man bearing gifts", today he came with a very large box and here's what was inside.
Question is how do I care for it during this bitter cold weather?

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What a lovely present Val, he was a very very nice man indeed! lol
I've no idea how to care for it, are there no instructions? It depends whether it's been kept indoors or outdoors. My guess is it's been somewhere protected as lavender usually gets very tatty looking over winter outdoors. How about in your conservatory?

11 Dec, 2010


Yes, agreed! isn't it beautiful...would be lovely in the conservatory where you can sniff it!

11 Dec, 2010


Thanks for that Lily, the plant was from my sister in Cyprus.
I reckon its been kept in a greenhouse and as I don't have one it will have to be in the conservatory, along with all the other hundred or so plants, maybe they will keep one another warm. Lol.
Not sure about the watering though, maybe play safe and keep on the dry side.

11 Dec, 2010


Yes Karen I could smell it as I undid the box, it was a lovely surprise.

11 Dec, 2010


Val at first I thought the plant had come from Cyprus
that would have been a shock to its system.However i spotted good old M&S on the box so it should not be to much of a problem wrap it in fleece if it worries you.

11 Dec, 2010


I know Brian, its the way that I tell 'em. LOL
What I should have said was my sister who lives in Cyprus sent it me . Phew !
Thanks for the advice.

11 Dec, 2010


Val, that must have cheered you up no end!

11 Dec, 2010


Sure did Mags, it was a complete surprise.
Thanks .

11 Dec, 2010


Thats a lovely prezzie Val, praps when you write/ring her you could ask for a stocking prezzie as a bit of her sunshine and warmth! Enough for all your Goyer pals too please, lol!

11 Dec, 2010


If only.....if only Tet. ;0))

11 Dec, 2010


Lovely pressie.

12 Dec, 2010


Thanks Clarice.

12 Dec, 2010


What a lovely pressie and such wonderful scent Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

5 Jan, 2011


Yes, as I open the door the perfume is lovely.

5 Jan, 2011


So its surviving the cold weather then Val...thats good.

5 Jan, 2011


Yes Tet. I heat the conservatory when it gets really cold.

5 Jan, 2011


How did this do over the winter Val?

17 Feb, 2011


Very well thank you Tets, I kept it in the conservatory and am sure I can see some new growth, am looking for a nice pot to repot it.

18 Feb, 2011


Now is the time apparently, B&Q have a sale but Yorkie has this lovely pot..standing in the garage doing could slip up there one dark!

18 Feb, 2011


So glad it wintered well Val, it really is a super little tree.

18 Feb, 2011


Am on my way!
To B&Q, not Yorkshire ! lol

18 Feb, 2011

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