Sluggy's first xmas tree inspection!
By Lulu33

21 Dec, 2010
Drinking from the water reservoir!
Comments on this photo
We put a teddy near the top of the tree, hope I don't find the tree on it's side. There is serious puppy watch regarding tree, pressies and I have tied all doggy gifts into a big bag, which hoipefully Sluggs won't try too hard to open before Christmas day!
21 Dec, 2010
Good luck with that then Lulu!! ;))
21 Dec, 2010
Hope your tree stays upright Lulu, Fudge has had ours over already, searching for chocolate decorations, after him pulling the same stunt last year he must think I'm really stupid if he thinks I'd put them on again, last year he ate half a tin of Quality Street,wrappers and all,when our daughter forgot!!!!!!! to put the lid on, we had some very festive poo for a few days,lol, but luckily no ill effects.
21 Dec, 2010
And there's my hubby wanting to cover the tree in choccy decs, Oh No! Please don't!
21 Dec, 2010
Lol :-)))
22 Dec, 2010
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Molly is such a good dog, she never goes near the tree or picks up any of the teddies all over the room. She used to have one teddy that she always picked on, but I managed to persuade her against that and the last two years she hasn't bothered any of them (and there are about 30), even the ones that sit on the floor....I shouldn't joke about her being a pain...she's really a lovely dog and fairly calm for her breed (Jack Russel). You watch Lulu, now i've said that I'll come in to the living room and there'll be teddy stuffing all over the place!! lol x
21 Dec, 2010