Reindeer Xmas socks!
By Lulu33

21 Dec, 2010
The eyes move and the bells tinkle! Makes me laugh and Slugg pup follows me looking quizical!
Comments on this photo
Aren't they just, just love them, they make me laugh so much!!!! Little things.............please me!
21 Dec, 2010
Its the little things that make us happy
21 Dec, 2010
The delivery man wasn't too impressed!! Not even raised a smile. Think he was a little worried about how to get his lorry back up the icy hill!!
22 Dec, 2010
Not much fun for them at present hey? Just hope that people are grateful they made the effort. I would guess a nice smile and thanks would make a difference, but notice so many complaints (online shops) about goods not turning up. Makes me mad when people moan, after all these people, especially at airports, have to get to work too and some cant make it and no one thanks them if they fall over trying!
23 Dec, 2010
Too true. Wouldn't fly this time of year if you paid me!! Don't like to fly at all really! Poor postie, finally made it up our lane, it's pretty treacherous! Looking forward to a thaw.
23 Dec, 2010
amazing! going on my faves straight away, good one.
25 Dec, 2010
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