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My White Iholena Banana falling over from storms

My White Iholena Banana falling over from storms (White Iholena Banana)

My White Iholena Banana is falling over in the major stormy weather here in San Diego, CA. I'll cut down even though it has bananas on it. Photo taken Dec. 22, 2010.

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Do you still have more weather to come?

23 Dec, 2010



Today was the last of the rain. Tomorrow will be 65F/18C and dry and clear for several days now.

23 Dec, 2010


You had it bad Delonix!!! Glad your warm dry weather is back. It's been nice and warm here also...21C today!!! Wonderful.

23 Dec, 2010


Wow... would have taken strong winds to blow that over so far ...

23 Dec, 2010



We don't usually get such big storms...however, it does happen every once in a blue moon.

Christmas Day it's suppose 69F/21C here also...which is our normal high temps for this time of year.

24 Dec, 2010


Delonix, our wild winds are back!!! Are you sending your weather over this way???? It's really warm today as well.

24 Dec, 2010


Will it grow back if you cut it down as they grow from the middle out ?

24 Dec, 2010


It is a shame a lovely looking banana like this having to be cut down ..

24 Dec, 2010



No, it will not grow back...this banana stalk has a bunch of bananas on it. Once a banana blooms the stalk will die once the bananas ripen.

Bananas grow extremely fast here. I have several there will be more next spring. :>)

26 Dec, 2010

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