Gardening pal waiting for worms
By Lily2

27 Dec, 2010
He's had a long wait as snow came the next day and stayed......gardening project abandoned for now so poor robin has to look elsewhere.
Comments on this photo
I think he's happy today as this part of the world turned green overnight! Plenty of worms to be had now!
28 Dec, 2010
Lovely detail on the plumage Lily, well done !
29 Dec, 2010
Cute robin :o)
31 Dec, 2010
what a lovely picture
2 Jan, 2011
I agree ... lovely photo ... hope the big thaw has arrived for him (and you as well, Lily!). : o ))
2 Jan, 2011
I'm glad you all liked my little robin. Yes, snow is now a horrible memory Shirley and robin is a happy little birdie and so am I. :o)) So happy in fact that he came within 6" of me today and stayed very close as I was working so I got some far better pics. I'm going to pluck up courage and buy some of those horrible mealworms in tubs in the hope that I can tempt him to be brave enough to eat out of my hand........
2 Jan, 2011
how long have you spent training him lily?
2 Jan, 2011
Well, I hope you'll have a steady hand with those worms on it! Try putting them on the handle of a fork or spade, it'll leave you both hands free! I'll be looking out for the photo . . . : o )) Happy new year to you, Lily, here's hoping for lots of good gardening days ahead.
2 Jan, 2011
I've not trained him at all Sticki, first time he was around was in this pic before the snow but today was only the second time and he was so much braver.
I'd like him to come on my hand Shirley but I think the worms may be too high a price to pay....yuk! Maybe I could wear gloves. :o) Good idea to have hands free for some more pics.
Happy new year to you too and oh yes looking forward to more gardening especially now I've got a 'helper'!
2 Jan, 2011
I've just posted one of today's photos Shirley, it was hard to choose which one as he's such a poser!
2 Jan, 2011
Fabulous photo of 'your' Robin ... we have a resident one but could never get this close to him ... timid isn't the word! : o ))
2 Jan, 2011
This one lives in the corner of the back garden, the one in the front garden isn't friendly at all even though he's been around much longer. He just grabs the food and scoots off! :o(
2 Jan, 2011
: o ))))
2 Jan, 2011
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aww poor robin :o(
28 Dec, 2010