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Kelly & Alicia

Kelly & Alicia (Kellyus Shagius dogius & Alicia 7ius going on 17ius)

The bond between these two is fantastic. We're sure that Kelly (the dog) thinks that she's a child..!!

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Lovely :o)

4 Jan, 2011


Lovely to see children and dogs get along, my daughter was bought up with a dog and always can tell if people are nice by their smell.

4 Jan, 2011


Ha ha is that your daughter or the dog 6d......he he he lol........I agree children bond very easily with dogs.

5 Jan, 2011


My daughter Maureen she noticed the other day some thing else she does like a dog but I can't remember what it was now, will let you know what it was when I see her tomorrow.

6 Jan, 2011

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This photo is of species Kellyus Shagius dogius & Alicia 7ius going on 17ius.

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