Reebeesfleurs's Profile

About me
My great grandma and grandad had a huge garden full of veg and plants, until they couldn't look after it any more. My grandma and grandad (both Mum and Dad's parents) had gardens full of veg and plants too! My mum has always had a garden full of anything she could fit in it from wild flowers to weird flowers, veg to herbs. It's no wonder, then, that I want a garden full of flowers, veg and wildlife!
I'm as organic as possible and will not use weedkiller or I do have a running battle with bindweed, brambles (although the fruit is a bonus), red ants and ragwort. The other bonus is the amount of ladybirds, comma and other butterflies, shrews, cinnabar and other moths that visit the garden.
I do think that I want the garden to give me some enjoyment but really I get more excited by the wildlife that it draws in.
Like my mum, I love the random 'messy' look. If it's growing there, well who am I to stop it until it becomes a real problem? If it looks good, does good, then it stays.
My aim next year is to have a semi co-ordinated front garden (with a range of white, blue, pink , purple plants, bulbs and shrubs) and a varied back garden with edible herbs, plants, shrubs, trees and, of course, a veg patch. It's ll going to take a lot of work but it'll be worth it.
Secretly, I just want the hedgehog to come back...
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Joined in Oct 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Nottinghamshire