Mahonia Charity.
By Dottydaisy2

24 Jan, 2011
Wanted another to replace the one we lost.
Comments on this photo
San at lest they are hardy lol
24 Jan, 2011
Im thinking with the winters we are having it would be an idea to plant good hardy plants in future...:>)
24 Jan, 2011
lol yes dotty thats got to be a bonus hahaha
24 Jan, 2011
And do you know what would happen then..yes the winters would change and we would have drought with high temperatures and desert conditions lol you cannot win with the climate.
24 Jan, 2011
Its lovely that is early good choice, mine is not any signs of showing a flower yet .
25 Jan, 2011
lol dotty, i thought the greenhouse effect was hotter weather but not here lol, i dont mind some rain when needed but not the cold winters we are getting now :o(
26 Jan, 2011
Love this mahonia and the flowers are a joy to see at this time of year.
29 Jan, 2011
Mine was a freebie from the birds, I think, lovely, also the flowers smell delicious.
30 Jan, 2011
very nice mine flowed b 4 xmas .................. have to ck the name of it
30 Jan, 2011
Verrry nice! Ummm dont I remember someone saying they werent going to buy anymore plants??? I think this must be at least No.6 lol!
30 Jan, 2011
Hi Tetra.....back again, mac problems!!I did say that, but, it was before I realised we had lost 40 plants over the last few years (we keep all the tags, so I went through them, was feeling bored one day!!) so I am now catching up only 34 to go!!lol
2 Feb, 2011
Any excuse you wicked cant tell me you didnt fill SOME of those spaces in the last few years lol!
2 Feb, 2011
Ahhhhh well ..........yes I did, but I am not telling OH that!!
3 Feb, 2011
Well, despite what Hywel says, I reckon its good to have a FEW little secrets tucked away..especially in the garden!
4 Feb, 2011
More than a few hidden in my garden!! Lol
4 Feb, 2011
Why what does Hywel say then?
4 Feb, 2011
He finds its best not to have any secrets..fair do's..but I enjoy little secrets, moi!
4 Feb, 2011
So do friend!
5 Feb, 2011
ive just bought another one of these
21 Feb, 2011
They are so worth it HE......
21 Feb, 2011
yes there lovely....
23 Feb, 2011
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Mahonia X Media 'Charity'
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i want one of these dotty, lovely,:o)
24 Jan, 2011