Papaya carica 'Solo' - Hawaiian Solo Papaya
By Delonix1

25 Jan, 2011
1 like
My Hawaiian Solo Papaya has a baterial/mildew infection caused by the record rains last month (Dec). The infection seems to be spreading (even with warm to hot, dry weather we've been having the last 2 1/2 weeks). Unfortunately, it's not looking good for this tree...I may have to cut the top off, fruit and all or the whole tree may have to be possibly cut down. :>( . Photo taken Jan. 24, 2011.
Comments on this photo
Yes, papaya plants don't like a lot of rain during winter...and this was the rainiest Dec. since 1965.
I've been spraying with a mildewcide...however, it's not working.
I do have several other papaya plants in the ground...the others don't seem to be affected, although my Red Caribbean papaya doesn't look great. I'll plant another in a couple months...the Hawaiian Solo papaya grows extremely fast.
25 Jan, 2011
Have you tried spraying with one part Milk 9 parts water that should kill the mildew.
25 Jan, 2011
The damage has already been done. Unfortunately, nothing will undue it. :>(
Papaya is not trees but a large herb. The stem (trunk) is hallow...and when there's a hole in the stem the bugs move in...and eat and eat.
26 Jan, 2011
What a shame at least you could use this solution if any thing else starts.
26 Jan, 2011
Yes, it sounds like a good, natural solution.
I used a chemical mildewcide which didn't work.
28 Jan, 2011
I never use chemicles only natural remedies as I grow fruit and a bit of veg, if an insect lands on the chemicle it can carry the chemicle to my food plants which I and grand children eat.
28 Jan, 2011
I don't like using chemical remedies myself...however, sometimes I have to...especially with the bug invasions I sometimes get here.
29 Jan, 2011
Here is a link belonging to a friend of mine from Austrailia, perhaps this might help you with organic to treat your plants, we have a plant called comfrey here do you have it over there, it feeds plants also good for healing bones in humans put on to a splint.
Dont be put of by guesthouse in the link, its a part of her site where she rents holiday homes.
29 Jan, 2011
Thanks, I'll check it out. :>)
30 Jan, 2011
Hope you find it helpful let me know what you think. Sorry not Australia it was New Zealand thinking of another friend lol
30 Jan, 2011
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This photo is of species Papaya carica 'Solo' - Hawaiian Solo Papaya.
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Rats, Delonix! I hate it when things like that happen! I've had luck treating such things--on Hippeastrum--with a generous dusting of cinnamon powder, but I have to do "surgery", first.
25 Jan, 2011