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Mackaya bella - Forest Bell Bush

Mackaya bella - Forest Bell Bush (Mackaya bella - Forest Bell Bush)

My Forest Bell Bush is almost in full bloom now. This is one beautiful flowering shrub/tree with very dark forest-green leaves. It's native to forests and along streams in the Eastern Cape, Kwazulu Natal, Swaziland and Northern Province of South Africa. Photo taken Jan. 14, 2011.

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Delonix, are you trying to make us jealous???

25 Jan, 2011


That is sooo nice....

25 Jan, 2011



Of course, I'm trying to make you jealous! LOL! :>) Just kidding. However, we've had pretty much spring to summer-like temps here for almost 3 weeks. Many plants are growing extremely fast after all the rains we had last month.

This shrub/tree is so super easy to also roots very easily from cuttings.

25 Jan, 2011



Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :>)

25 Jan, 2011


You are sooo lucky I don't live near you Delonix!!! There would be loads of branches missing from all your plants!

25 Jan, 2011


How unusual and what a beauty, I m not jealous cause I can come and see it here any time all year through lol.

25 Jan, 2011



LOL! I give cuttings of my plants away all the time. I start many cuttings and sell them also.

26 Jan, 2011



Thanks! :>)

26 Jan, 2011


Very nice Andy

26 Jan, 2011


Great to hear Delonix.

26 Jan, 2011



Thanks! If you want a cutting...maybe we can trade plants? Some cuttings for a piece of your gigantic, beautiful Dendrobium grandiflorum (speciosum) orchid in your backyard? ...maybe? lol! :>)

27 Jan, 2011


A real treasure this one Palmate..:o))

3 Feb, 2011



Thanks! It's in full bloom right now. :>)

4 Feb, 2011

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This photo is of species Mackaya bella - Forest Bell Bush.

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