By Karensusan63

25 Jan, 2011
Well, if you can't treat yourself to a pot of daffs at this time of year, what's life all about?
Comments on this photo
I agree with Motty .. looking good in the blue pot too. : o ))
25 Jan, 2011
Hi Karen, lovely daffs, hope the snowdrops are up mine are. Been out in the garden today to do some tidying up, tired me out but glad to be able to get out there at last. Feeling much better now, not driven the car yet, but think will give it a go later on in the week. All the photos are lovely your garden is much further on than mine, think you must be warmer up there on the coast. Speak later on in the week love mum xx
25 Jan, 2011
I think we get a real boost from being at the sea Mum. So glad that you are back on GOY again, I've missed you! Glad that you are getting your strength back. I forgot to check on the snowdrops today, but they were up a few days back so should still be there! There's still so much clearing up to do, old leaves, dead flowers, dead annuals, just a mess a lot of it. Only the tidy bits on my pics today! It's too big to do all at once now. I have learned my lesson....half a day out there is enough for my back! Having said that, if the sun is shining I seem to manage to work for longer!! lol
25 Jan, 2011
I am managing a couple of hours at a time, it is hard work limiting myself, but the muscles are sore after a while, been sweeping paths and clearing dead leaves out (magnolia) which do not die down, they were covering the bulbs which are trying to get up to see the light. Only doing half a border at a time. Weather chilly today, no sunshine beginning to blow about a bit just now, hopefully it will stay fine enough for the rest of the week to enable me to get some more leaf clearing done. The snow came down before the oak leaves had left the trees and now of course if is just damp and they stick to the floor which is no problem if they are on the borders but they were on grass before I started to clear and that always causes mayhem (sludge sludge and more sludge) if I don't get them up. Heh ho I am so glad to be back out there I don't care what it throws at me now. If it rains will put on my coat and get on in there, I can only get wet, I will not go rusty. lol. Bring on the spring and sunshine. x
26 Jan, 2011
Very pretty Karen. I popped in Morrisons this morning and bought some primroses, crocus and a pack of 'Splish splash' Geranium roots. Though I might give them another go.
Hello Olive nice to see you back :o))))))
26 Jan, 2011
you do right Karen, and beautiful they look too,
26 Jan, 2011
Thanks everyone. Oliveoil, you sound back to your usual determined self again! Magnolia leaves are a pest aren't they. I bought two new ones last year, a Susan and a Leonard Messel. Sadly, Susan, though bigger, has no buds on her this year :(
26 Jan, 2011
Ann, that sounds like a very good visit. I like splish splash and its a strong grower in this soil so you ought to have good results too!
26 Jan, 2011
I'm going to plant it behind other stuff this time in an attempt to stop it flopping over
26 Jan, 2011
Yes that's a good idea. I'm going to invest in a few more plant support rings I think.
26 Jan, 2011
I like them when they are behind other plants and blend in :O)))
26 Jan, 2011
Yup! Especially good with roses and small shrubs for that.
26 Jan, 2011
Hi Annella - it is good to be back. Hope you are well. I am off to see if I can do some cheating tomorrow, it will be the first time I have been out in nearly 6 weeks (by myself). lol. xx the pension will have to have a blow out! lol. Well it is no good saving now is it?
27 Jan, 2011
Six weeks worth....mmmm....could be a good day!! :))
27 Jan, 2011
How did it go Olive?? xx
30 Jan, 2011
Very tiring, but no bargains, spent plenty but no plants Annella.
30 Jan, 2011
whatcha buy then?
30 Jan, 2011
Spent money on Sam for her course and Sarah a Kingsize duvet, me lunch and a new shower unit from B&Q, coffee at Starbucks, bird seed and did the shopping for the household. Boring Boring Boring.
Now I am up and going again will get myself off to Silica Lodge for some cheats, there were none at B&Q so will have to go for lunch (shame) and see what Silica has on offer.
Put up my (with Paul) my new archway for the garden, it has a gate and looks really nice. we are impressed we got it level first time - spent some time clearing away some dead heads on shrubs and plants in the garden today in the big middle border, it is hard work that border but did a little bit and will do some more tomorrow if the back has recovered overnight. lol.
Going to look at David Austin Roses again tomorrow to see what I can spend my birthday voucher on so that will take care of my itchy fingers. Off to Sarah's tomorrow night it is eyebrow waxing night. ouch she has a young woman comes to the house and has her feet done and we go across and have our eyebrows waxed. Painful but worth it (I think). lol
30 Jan, 2011
All sounds good! Happy waxing! I just ordered two climbers from DA for the arch and fence. Dortmund and Warm Welcome. That's it now though...definitely no room for any more roses!! ;)) x
30 Jan, 2011
think i will get some, so cheery
1 Feb, 2011
Yes, the daffs are cheerful aren't they. I have some in the pots at the front too. Great thing is, as it is so cold, they aren't moving much. They will probably look exactly the same until March! Well worth the money in that case!
1 Feb, 2011
Spent my birthday voucher on two rambling roses - one yellow one pink thank you. At this moment in time I cannot remember their names lol. will have to look them up again. lol. ###### Got it Malvern Hills and Alida Lovett, the lemon one is going next to Veilchenblau and the pink one to climb up an existing arch that has a clematis, which has never done anything on it, will leave the clem there and hopefully it will climb through the rose or maybe not. Hope you are not getting too blown away with the wind that is forecast. xxxxxx
2 Feb, 2011
Ah, lovely! Did I tell you I just bought two...a short rambler and a climber.....names....Dortmund and Warm Welcome. Both for the hot border beside the metal arch. I think they will look great there. The colours are very warm! I shall go and have a look at your choices. They sound lovely. Clematis sometimes surprise you by just going mad after about 4 years of doing nothing. I hope that happens in this case! Weather here not too bad. Mild, damp and dark, but it's mild enough for plants to grow so that's something. Too wet for me to get my new plants in though..:(( Not feeling that great today anyway, so staying in and reading my gardening mags. May have to pop out to refill the bird feeders AGAIN!!
2 Feb, 2011
Oh yes, I can see why you chose those two. Both lovely soft and very floriferous looking! They will look wonderful in your garden. The yellow is not unlike pilgrim in character. The pink is just a beautiful soft old-fashioned pink rose....great! My choices are very different don't you think? lol;)
2 Feb, 2011
Yes two lovely roses think I like Warm Welcome the best but they are very pretty, think I like ww the best because I prefer more petals, after saying that I love wild roses and they are all single petalled. Funny that. The Clematis on the arch has been there for about 6 years and has never done anything, think it must get too much draft as it is a bit out in the open and in very heavy clay soil. Still not found any daffs in flower in any of the shops or garden centres. ah well, bought some deep purple reticulata iris they will have to do for now. lol.
3 Feb, 2011
Oh, lovely, irises. I have six little terracotta pots of them and they are in the greenhouse, and they are only just coming up now!
3 Feb, 2011
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