Blackcap, Willy Wagtail's friend..
By Tetrarch

26 Jan, 2011
Obviously heard it was the best restaurant in town!
Comments on this photo
This is first time we have seen one Sanbaz, we are very excited as he has been here three days following..
26 Jan, 2011
brilliant, maybe they will nest with you :o)
26 Jan, 2011
Hopefully, we have a 30ft long 10 ft hedge, tho its home to a hundred or so sparrows I reckon!
26 Jan, 2011
you should get lots then, how lovely.
26 Jan, 2011
Trouble is Sanbaz, the Dept. of Work and Pensions wont let us claim anything just because we spend over a tenner a week on mean can you get?
26 Jan, 2011
Lovely to see Tetrarch, not something I've ever seen in the garden either, although for the first time in ages we've had lots of blackbirds, counted 7 this morning, makes a change from the obese pigeons, and magpies that just hide all the food among the plants for Fudge to find later,lol.
Terrible think you should be able to claim something for feeding all the birdies,lol.
26 Jan, 2011
Hiya Stranger, lovely to see you! I think its a great shame they dont give us a hand out because of the birds too! Im surprised you dont get blackcaps being nearer the continent than us..they used mainly to be summer visitors but have been staying overwinter more and more because its been mild..they have a lovely song..not as liquid as a robin but better than most.
Poor old Fudge only fed on bird scraps??? You want to teach him to catch the pigeons! lol!
On a more sensible and sober note, how are your daylilies doing? Mine are shooting away like its spring already! If they keep growing like this you may have some new ones sooner than you think!
26 Jan, 2011
lovely little bird
26 Jan, 2011
I`ve never seen one in my garden either Tetra, its a lovely little bird though.
26 Jan, 2011
Beautiful little bird, I've never seen one around here either.
26 Jan, 2011
Lol Tetrarch,think he's got some sort of deal going on with them magpies, don't know about catching pigeons if he keeps scoffing all the bread he won't be able to move.
The daylilies are all fine Margo all resprouting here too, just bought another 'Green Mystique' think I told you I was after it, we have a new member on here from a spider daylily website I joined recently, Prissylb43, so looking forward to seeing a few more daylily pictures on here soon :-)
How are your iris hope they're ok, did you get your delivery of new ones? :-)
27 Jan, 2011
I got them ok Simbad..all potted up and hidden at the back of the shelves..mmm did I say "hidden"? I really meant!
I also ordered some from Woottens..thats not the ones you mean is it? They wont be here for some months yet. And Im definitely ordering some from the US..after all, I keep telling my OH, what is money for if not to spend? Trouble is, he says, Im the one who is spending it all!!!
I will look forward to seeing more daylilies too.
27 Jan, 2011
Another great shot, have you seen his mate?
28 Jan, 2011
Nope Tog, only the male..first one ever for us..that we have seen in our garden
28 Jan, 2011
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never seen one of these in the garden, lovely
26 Jan, 2011