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By Lulu33


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Delicious, I love them, so tasty in a stir fry! Or add them to cauliflower & parsnip cheese. Yum

27 Jan, 2011


They belong to the owner of the stud, if I take one he may arrive and say he has a big dinner party and I've eaten his sprouts!!

27 Jan, 2011


Think he could spare one root!!

27 Jan, 2011


I would say I ve had my share so you don't have to invite me to your big dinner party now hahaha

27 Jan, 2011


Last time I took just one baby leek I got told off!! and 6d it wouldn't be our dinner party but the big boss man! We do have great parties though, lots of great food, music, laughter and yes, some wine!! You coming?!

27 Jan, 2011


How sad is that begrudged a baby leek. I would come if I could thank you for the invite, hope you keep having your parties and fun music my favourite too, do you live by a place called Dry Brooke.

27 Jan, 2011


You lost me there 6d Dry brooke!? I know sad about the leek and the silly thing is they are still there!!!!!! about 5" thick, silly s**!

27 Jan, 2011


It s a village I think in Glouster there was a little pub there that use to make up my babies bottle for me when we use to go down every month.

27 Jan, 2011


Might go there for my own bottle!

27 Jan, 2011


Lol the I m sure it was called the sacred heart out in the country side got to the top is woodland of fir trees

27 Jan, 2011



27 Jan, 2011


That reminds me....just back in December we were driving past a field of brussels sprouts and no kidding, there was a wood pigeon on every single stem..must have been a couple of thousand of them. Wish I'd had my camera, never seen anything like it. It was like a woodie plague! poor was during the snow too, when there was nothing else for them to eat. Bet the farmer was NOT pleased!

27 Jan, 2011


Don't know why the pidggies are not eating these, someones got to! I am going to nick one tomorrow!

27 Jan, 2011

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