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Look What I Bought Today!

Look What I Bought Today! (Hymenocallis Festalis)

Havent a clue what to do with asked on questions..

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Only the Bulbs you understand!

1 Feb, 2011


Ooh, that's beautiful . . . something lovely to look forward to!

1 Feb, 2011


Gotta grow it first Sheilabub..and thats not a forgone conclusion for me!

1 Feb, 2011


by the look of the adverts next to this blog i cant even pronounce its name but its really lovely.
be a great cut flower too.

1 Feb, 2011


wow! that's stunning! Can't wait to see that in flower!

1 Feb, 2011


like a floral curly wurly!

1 Feb, 2011


Mine have just poked their heads through - seems a little early to me though......

1 Feb, 2011


Oh that means I could plant the bulbs and keep them in my greenhouse frost free now then Meanie...trouble is come April I will forget Ive got them.

1 Feb, 2011


Lovely Tetrarch, I grew some of these from seed kindly sent to me by a GOY member last year, they all grew really well, checked on them the other day, covered them with 2 layers of fleece in the greenhouse, wasn't enough in all that cold and every one had turned to mush:-( shame as the bulbs were quite a good size for a years growth.

2 Feb, 2011


Oh thats a shame Simbad! I may have the same problem if I dont crack this little heater. Still bought them at Tesco..4 nice size bulbs for £2.50 (2 packs of flowers for £5) so cheap enough to replace if they dont survive this coming winter.

2 Feb, 2011


Off to town this afternoon for a coffee and a natter with an old work mate so off to look in tesco's, great price, I have a greenhouse parrafin heater last time I lit it though I got up in the morning and all the greenhouse glass was covered in black soot, haven't used it since, took me ages to clean grrr, hubby did tell me why but can't remember now!!!!!! my memory.

2 Feb, 2011


These plants are in boxes Simbad, if I remember..Echninacea Purple, Spider Lily, Oriental Poppies, Peony, Cactus Dahlia, a blue flower,and a couple more...from 3 plants per box. (except perhaps the peony)

2 Feb, 2011


Oh, Astrantia was another

2 Feb, 2011


very nice, quite unusual..its very archetectual, like wrought iron work on a fancy gate..great picture

2 Feb, 2011


Ooo astrantia, the white or the pink/red? really want some of the pinky ones, looks like there'll be a few gaps to fill this year, now astrantia or more daylilies,lol, just joined a spider and ufo daylily site my wish list just keeps getting longer and longer and longer.

2 Feb, 2011


No its the white one unforunately...
Well as much as you keep buying you add even more!!

2 Feb, 2011


I know I sent you Hornby Castle and Barbara Mitchel but did I send you Neyron Rose? None of my others are big enough to split at the moment.

2 Feb, 2011


Wow what a fantastic plant

2 Feb, 2011


Tesco Yorkie, get down there quick (after the next drink)

2 Feb, 2011


you got this in tesco?????

2 Feb, 2011


no sticki she said Morrisons, !!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Feb, 2011


Yup..I bought 4 boxes One Oriental poppies, 5 plants; One Spider Lily box with 4 large bulbs, Two boxes of Echinacea with 3 plants in each (actually 4 in one!) Two boxes for £5 or £3 each box.
They had astrantia, peony, dahlia, crocosmia 30 mixed, some blue flowers..and a few more..cant remember..

2 Feb, 2011


you trying to get there before me yorkshire? i have a tesco 200 yards from here.

2 Feb, 2011


Ready, steady............RUN!

2 Feb, 2011


we don't have a Tesco near us, Oh Tet by the way Sticki wants a word on the moonies page.

2 Feb, 2011


Been there..she suggests Kilts..greaat idea, cept I want tartan trews

2 Feb, 2011


i have my own tartan!!!

2 Feb, 2011


Show off! Me too..My Pa was a McDermott

2 Feb, 2011


i think OH's lot were very nearly finished off at culloden ~ but at least one was sent to australia!

i shall be in such trouble for doing nothing [except blogging] that i shall have to escape to scotland! once i get there im not coming back so you can have my seat for a plant! ~ make sure its a nice one tho!

2 Feb, 2011


why we talking about tartan, have I missed something here.

2 Feb, 2011


Dont worry Yorkie, just lie back again with your bottle, Sticki and I have to retrieve ourselves with our OH's..I havent done lunch yet, let alone prepared dinner!

2 Feb, 2011


Darn! I just dropped half my chocy biscuit in my tea

2 Feb, 2011


no lunch at 5 to 4!!!!!???? how do you get away with it? or have you left OH with the bean sticks again?

2 Feb, 2011 not done lunch because you have been on here all day, my OH has cooked for tonight, my day off, think I'll go get a biscuit,

2 Feb, 2011


I told him I had an attack of the Muse..and it was peasticks dear one..he's not THAT tall!

2 Feb, 2011


is the Muse painfull.

2 Feb, 2011


Not been on here ALL day..Ive potted up and labelled 16 plants..poked holes in umpteen large yoghurt pots, pressed 20 hankies...what more do you want???

2 Feb, 2011


Painful? Dunno, you're the recipents!

2 Feb, 2011


OOOOOOOOOOOO sorry, no need to be like that, teddy out again,

2 Feb, 2011


tell me what Muse is then

2 Feb, 2011


Yes, and I hurt my ankle while stamping my foot!

2 Feb, 2011 having an attack of the writing bug...more or this case its less...

2 Feb, 2011


Oh I understand now, sorry about your foot,

2 Feb, 2011


why have you poked the yoghurt pots ~ did they upset you?

2 Feb, 2011


Muse are one of the greatest rock bands on the planet today!

2 Feb, 2011


Well I ran out of flowerpots..been saving these for emergencies! I only had 2 litre pots left and I was putting 3 little plants in each..but the amount of compost in each was remembered these...just the job!

2 Feb, 2011



2 Feb, 2011


you're very brave meanie ~ coming on here!

whats that hole for yorkie?

2 Feb, 2011


its suppose to be o

2 Feb, 2011


Yes Margo you did send me Neyron Rose, thankyou, I daren't even ask about the kilt!!!!!!!!!!! you three are mad when you get together,lol, were's the 4th Lulu?
Agree Meanie the Muse are brilliant :-)

2 Feb, 2011


Lulu's getting ready for the races I think. Never heard the Muse play Meanie, sorry!

And what does "o" mean exactly Yorkie?

Och the Noo Sticki...thought we were supposed to be feeding our other halfs!

2 Feb, 2011


blow your other halves they will have to wait, war breaking out on the moonies, BA is at it again girls,

2 Feb, 2011


I know..she threatened to knock me out in front of Colin Frith with a giant sporran...I ask you how mean can you get???

2 Feb, 2011


she is trying to cause trouble and now she has Pam at it. do something will you.

2 Feb, 2011


Ive blown the trumpet for Sticki, Yorkie, when she arrives, we will be right behind you...somewhere...

2 Feb, 2011


Oh thank you Tet

2 Feb, 2011


im standing to attention!
tea made and eaten

2 Feb, 2011


I think you can relax Sticki...Yorkie's gone quiet so she's either fallen asleep over her bottle or gone to Stourhead and got dun in! In either case, we arent needed

2 Feb, 2011


I went to Stourhead all on my own, how brave is that cause I could,nt find you to, and guess what, BA did.nt show up. and I took me pistols for a show down,

3 Feb, 2011


All hail brave Leader!

3 Feb, 2011


thank you

3 Feb, 2011


Thats okay..I wrote an Ode to us all Yorkie...

3 Feb, 2011


Praps where I said "arm in arm" I shouldve said "and Yorkie was arm'd"! lol!

3 Feb, 2011


Well, I'm none the wiser having read all of that....I suspect it all goes on on this 'moonies page' whatever that is!! However, I would like to cast my vote for the Rock Band...they are my favourite at the moment. Whatever that was all about, don't forget, when you are exiled to Scotland that I am now offering a great B& will tide you over until you get your Croft. :))

3 Feb, 2011


You will need a great deal of staying power involves Floribunda's Sidetracked in Stourhead and Yorkie's Full Moon Tonight! Best of luck...
I havent forgotten the B&B lol..this summer maybe??? Sooner if I get expelled!

3 Feb, 2011


B&B sounds o.k. Tet, all for that.

3 Feb, 2011



3 Feb, 2011


i got these last year Tetra, spider lily, but never showed, well just a bit of green them nothing, so maybe they will come back this year if im lucky

13 Feb, 2011


With the amount of rain we're getting in Carnoustie, I'll be surprised if any of my bulbs don't rot!

13 Feb, 2011


I had some of these last year I shall be keen to find out if they survived the winter in their pot !! they are beautiful ......

13 Feb, 2011


That's promising Amy, Ive just discovered that my Nectar..umm Nectar umm dummdumm..cant darned remember..they are alliums anyway..and they are just poking thru the soil. So far so good..ish.. Camassias okay, Nectarthings okay, Dutch Iris okay, mixed daffs okay, but my Paperwhite Daff tips have turned all brown. Drat!

13 Feb, 2011


Bought some last year, did not know they were tender, nothing came of them, so left the pot outside unprotected all winter, so I can say goodbye to them!!
Sorry to say but I think Queen were the greatest rock band ever, although I do like Muse.

24 Feb, 2011


Oh I totally agree DD, they were an absolute one off. In fact I dont class them as Rock..they stand on their own..amazing music (and Im basically a classical lover..probly why I like them).
I have a friend in her 70's who has their signed photos covering her staircase walls..she and her 50 something daughters and 15-20 something grand daughters go to all the concerts...

24 Feb, 2011


she has 50 daughters??? thats some going!!

25 Feb, 2011


LOL! Sticki...that would make her faint! She breeds dogs and prefers them to older children..apart from her grandkids she says and they are getting to be like her daughters..if she could keep all of them around 4-8yo she would be happy.

25 Feb, 2011


Did this flower for you Tet?

31 Jul, 2011


Yes it did indeed Meanie! and two more to come (I sold one). It was ABSOLUTELY stunning!! If it doesnt last thru the winter it was still worth it..just like the picture.

31 Jul, 2011


well done Tet!!

31 Jul, 2011


Well done! Have you grown them in the ground then?

1 Aug, 2011


No, kept them in their pots Meanie, one to each..they were always possibly for sale.

1 Aug, 2011

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This photo is of species Hymenocallis Festalis.

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This photo is of "Spider Lily" in Tetrarch's garden

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