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Very Strong Santa Winds Topple Trees All Over The Southland

Very Strong Santa Winds Topple Trees All Over The Southland (Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla))

This Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) is only one of the many trees down in Balboa Park. The Santa Winds were gusting to 50mph/80kmh and much stronger today in other areas of Southern California. Photo taken Feb. 2, 2010.

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What a shame Andy looks a lovely tree, the ones at the back don't look too good either. Hope the winds there settle down for you.

3 Feb, 2011



This was a very nice specimen. The ones in the background are different species of Araucaria, they were fine...just swaying in the wind. Today the Santa Ana's have died down.

Norfolk Island Pine is a beautiful park tree...there's millions here. However, in a yard...they're very messy!
I have an 80ft/25m tall tree in my front yard.

4 Feb, 2011


My goodness your garden must be huge. We still have the winds here this morning just like the Hydes of March come early.

4 Feb, 2011


Glory be! all the trees seem to be listing to the upper left of the pic! We have white pine sculpted by the prevailling winds...but thankfully they are constant and gentle compared to this! I know you aren't a huge fan of NI Pine...but I just love them and envy your climate in which they grow. Seeing that tree lying on it's side I was sure someone had cut it some one did to a Serbian Spruce in my front garden back at the other place. Guess they wanted a Christmas tree and didn't realize how heavy trees can be! It was about 15 ft tall and growing really well.

4 Feb, 2011



The trees are huge...the yards is not. :>)

4 Feb, 2011



I love Norfolk Island Pines, just not in my yard. LOL! :>)

Norfolk Island Pines are pretty wind-resistant...however, in very strong winds the trunks can snaps easily(mostly in younger trees). In south Florida they don't grow to become gigantic trees like in the hurricanes flatten them when they get to be 30ft/10m - 50ft/15m tall.

4 Feb, 2011


Lol Andy does it shade a lot of your garden then.

5 Feb, 2011



Yes, it does give good shade to my shade-loving plants in the front yard...along with the giant 50ft/16m tall Jacaranda tree and 35ft/12m tall Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora).

5 Feb, 2011


They are beautiful trees

5 Feb, 2011


Yes, beautiful...but messy. The huge Jacaranda tree is worth it though. :>)

5 Feb, 2011


Yes that would be worth it all.

5 Feb, 2011


I'm a little embarrassed, D1. The lovely Jacarandas just did not make the move. I tried to pack them well but they just didn't perk up. I was surprised that they did so well at the beginning. lesson learned. We just don't have proper Jacaranda's very cold, minus 15 c. today.

9 Feb, 2011



Sorry to hear about your Jacaranda seedlings! Seedling Jacarandas are extremely sensitive to cold. When you get settled in your new house I can send you more seeds...the seeds pods are all over the yard at the moment. :>)

9 Feb, 2011

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This photo is of species Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla).