By Cristina

6 Feb, 2011
this is on wot we call the mile rd. bt a mile from our cottage , we have to go up this rd to the shops etc. but its waist high
Comments on this photo
Hope it goes no further!
6 Feb, 2011
Hope you don't get cut off!
6 Feb, 2011
You've had a lot of rain then :o(
6 Feb, 2011
yes loads of rain ............ nearly every year the mersey bursts its banks , we are luky that its not near our house , but it does cut us off from shops and school to pik grandoughter up !! its a ten mile round trip to go and get her instead od 2 miles ................... but you can b sat in bad trafic 4 about an hour or more cos there is only 1 way to go so not gud urggg
7 Feb, 2011
Oh thats a pain, just like these floods.
7 Feb, 2011
sorry your having these awful floods...you take care
7 Feb, 2011
sorry to see the floods...
7 Feb, 2011
maneged to get tro today but all the fields either side are swamped all the way down ............. like gient lakes
7 Feb, 2011
Hope its getting easier Cristina.
7 Feb, 2011
it is but then we had gales and it blew all the fance down !!!
16 Feb, 2011
this is the bridge you drive over the river mersey
6 Feb, 2011