pyracantha orange glow/winter jasmine
By Sanbaz
- 14 Feb, 2011
went to try find some aconites today but didnt find any so came home with these two lovely plants, well established and will plant them when we get a nicer day, it keeps raining here today, but hopefully tomorrow
Comments on this photo
thanx yorkshire the pyracantha was only £3.99 and its about 24" or more, most iv seen have been about £5.99, she said they get them from holland and in large quantities which makes it cheaper, the winter jasmin was £5.40 but i love them so spent a bit more haha
14 Feb, 2011
I think you got two good buys there San, and they should be good coming from Holland, well done
14 Feb, 2011
i think so to yorkshire, look forward to them growing and giving me more colour ;o)
14 Feb, 2011
great choice Sanbaz on both
14 Feb, 2011
Lovely winter colour you've got there San. I'm really glad to see that you are turning your attention to your garden once again! looking forward to more pics! How is you little tree doing, the one in the lawn? Do you think it is going to grow and it will!
14 Feb, 2011
great plants... i bought the same to plants this time last year.... : O ))
14 Feb, 2011
thanx paul :o))
cheers karen, i wont turn away from my garden its just far to wet at the moment but i did start with tidying raised bed today, closest to the house on the patio, at least its dry and easy to get to, lots of bulbs showing now and new growth on alot of my plants. my Rowan tree seems to have got through winter karen with buds slightly showing through ;o))
lol how strange holly, great minds Hey! :o))
14 Feb, 2011
: O ))
14 Feb, 2011
Ah, great news about the tree. My garden really wet too, it's like a bog out there, but didn't stop me fishing leaves out of the puddles the other day...I'm mad, I know, but the sun was out San!
14 Feb, 2011
lol karen, i dont blame you if the sun is out, got to make the most of every min. iv turned the pond filter and pump on today as its looking a bit murky, will soon look clear again, i enjoyed doing a bit in the garden today, blows the cobwebs off haha
14 Feb, 2011
Yes, it always makes me feel tons better. Come to think of it San, I was fibbing, it wasn't sunny at all, it was dreich and horrid but I just had to get outdoors! We've had a bit of sun and a bit of rain today, but quite mild for feb.
14 Feb, 2011
haha you little liar karen hahaha, but the same here as you today, off to get baz`s dinner ready now as he is going to price a job up for a mate, catch up later :o) x
14 Feb, 2011
2 essentials Sandra, lovely. The birds love the pyracantha berries which is a bonus. I bought some aconites in the green last year from a grower, quite cheap _ if you'd like details pm me. :)
14 Feb, 2011
Lovely shrubs Sandra, I have a Pyracantha nice hardy shrub and like Dawn says the birds just love the lovely berries;0)
15 Feb, 2011
The blackbirds like mine Pansy, do you find that.
15 Feb, 2011
thankyou Dawn im looking forward to it getting berries in autum, and thanx for offering Details but a kind member has offered me some :o))
thanx carole :o))
15 Feb, 2011
OK Sandra :-)
15 Feb, 2011
2 great choices ... you will be very pleased with them San and the birds will love the berries ....
21 Feb, 2011
thanx amy, havent had chance to plant them yet, but ok in pots for now :o)
21 Feb, 2011
Good choice there, flowers, berries so cant be bad.
24 Feb, 2011
thanx Dotty not got planted yet but they are fine till i can get out there :o)
24 Feb, 2011
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2 lovely healthy plants there san
14 Feb, 2011