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Picture Perfect Raff....Especially for Pipc....

Picture Perfect Raff....Especially for Pipc....

Raffles caught in artistic pose...tee hee hee...(Thank you Sticki)!

Comments on this photo


Lovely! Nice to hear from you are you doing? Looking forward to the spring by any chance? This has felt like the never ending winter to me, but there are buds now so it cant go on much longer! :)

18 Feb, 2011


Hi Karen! Couldn't agree more...what a long Winter this has been for us all, and it must have been even longer for you up there...My garden waterlogged, and my 20ft Cordylines have collapsed...not a happy bunny....Hurry up Spring...we could do with some warmer days....Lovely to see you my friend \0/x Ps, Glad you liked the pict! lol

18 Feb, 2011


Hello Raff....such a handsome boy, you deserve a special place in the gallery....:o))

18 Feb, 2011


What a lovely picture he makes

18 Feb, 2011


Hi Janey! Hope little Lottie is doing she gets into so much mischief! Have just realised that it is 5 months since Raff was diagnosed with cancer, but glad to say that all still seems well.....Couldn't resist trying this out after Sticki told me about was a lot of fun!

Hi Cinders! So good to see you too...\0/x

18 Feb, 2011


Have you seen our forecast? Oh no...pouring rain, snow and gale force winds for tomorrow! Brrrrr....I think I'll go to the supermarket, its always very bright in there!! lol x

18 Feb, 2011


What a handsome chappie.

18 Feb, 2011


The picture looks very realistic Flori, as though it is actually there at 'The Louvre'. I must have another go at Dumpr looks good! :-)
Sorry about your Cordylines they looked good in your pics...

18 Feb, 2011


I did see it you inebriated...I mean you silly girl! I said I liked it..just didnt make a comment. Couldnt think of anything nice enough that everyone else hadnt already said. But he can race around my garden any day he likes!

18 Feb, 2011


Aw bless Flori..he looks gorgeous...nice to see you again my friend..I only managed to do one pic on Dumpr,the other two are 'saved' but must have done something wrong,as don't know how to get them from there to here..if you can understand this waffling..Lol.
Sorry to hear about your Cordylines,it seems a lot have lost them this year...

18 Feb, 2011


Have you nothing better to do my girl? Ok very clever, and I'm not at all jealous because I'm too much of a technophobe to even look at how to do it;-)

19 Feb, 2011


lol aww doesnt Raffles look cute, nice pic Bev, you must be so proud to see him in the tate :o))

19 Feb, 2011


Thats a great pic...

19 Feb, 2011


Those two women must be Goyers, I've seen them a few times on here:-)

19 Feb, 2011


Yeah, the slim one's Annella (she dyed her hair) the other is me with a wig and my sons trainers!

19 Feb, 2011


Ohhhh Bev isn't he gorgeous!!!

19 Feb, 2011


Think you'd look better in your tankouti Tet. If you'd like one of our personal stylists to advise you, do get in touch with B.A.Fashion, we'd be only too pleased to help:-)

20 Feb, 2011


\0/ Hello Pip:-)

20 Feb, 2011


Sandra, that's why she hasn't been on here so much....spending the money she got when Satchi bought it. He said it beats a dead cow hands down:-)

20 Feb, 2011


Im dead from the neck up, and look dead from the neck down...wonder if OH could get half a mill. for me???

20 Feb, 2011


Doubt it, talk to flori's agent :-(

20 Feb, 2011


lol you lot, certainly cheers me up reading this lot haha, flori will laugh her socks off at this when she sees it :o)

20 Feb, 2011


Wait 'til you start getting yours in the Tate Sandra:-)

21 Feb, 2011


are nearly missed this one bev ............ dosent he look fab in the gallary lol, suits him to a tee , and glad to hear no more probs either.
sorry bt ur cordilines urggg, dam wether !!!
not got round to haveing a go at this one yet ......... have to lol !!! lovely to chat . ps HURRY UP SPRING .......... loads poping up did put a few pics on tho xxxxxxxxxx ;0)))))

21 Feb, 2011


lol bornagain, nice thought, maybe after my life lol

21 Feb, 2011


Hello you lot!\0/, Yes, San, I did have a good chuckle at this...So good to see you all on here, Raff is much chuffed, and will sign pawprints as autographs if you want him too...He hasn't got toooooo bigheaded just yet...but I can see that it is only a matter of time...It's a tough job being his agent, but someone's got to do it, and keep him supplied in doggy chews...
Glad you liked this Pippin, it is especially for you and Franny!!\0/

23 Feb, 2011


I would love a Raff pawprint!! You have my address....

Methinks we should start a pawprint exchange group, on GoY, or even a fingerprint-exchange group if we feel so inclined..

25 Feb, 2011


Sounds a bit odd Pip, even to me..and I'm very odd. Are you working for the secret internet police? :-)

25 Feb, 2011


Well, it would be for entertainment purposes only. I can just see it now... GoY Thumbprints Trading Cards! Collect them all today!

26 Feb, 2011


Hahahaha...Pip, would they be of 'Limited Print' though? Only so many 'printed' off??? Guess it would add

3 Mar, 2011


Still, all the thumbprints would be identical, all the pawprints would be a totally unique one every time :o)

3 Mar, 2011


Hi flori how's you not heard from u in ages .....

26 Jun, 2012


Cristina, Flori put a new blog on at the end of May so you can drop in and say hello:-)

27 Jun, 2012


O not seen it ... Will look now LOL ta hun x

27 Jun, 2012



30 Jun, 2012

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