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Echinacea Virgin

Echinacea Virgin

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Not sure if this is 'Fragrant Angel' I think the birds took the label. If anyone knows different please let me know, apologies in advance if I'm wrong!

28 Feb, 2011


Whatever it is its stunning, only have the pinks myself, this is one to look out for, love it, adding to favourites so I don't forget the name :-)

28 Feb, 2011


Thanks Simbad, glad you like it. The pinks are lovely too, 'Magnus' and 'Ruby Giant' All the names of echinacea are right, but, I don't know if the photos have the correct names attached to them, sorry about this, better to put the names in search engine to be sure! There are some nice new ones too on, but alas we can't get them in this country yet.

28 Feb, 2011


The photo has the correct name now, sorry folks!!

28 Feb, 2011


Yes have Magnus, huge flowers, it seeded around last year and potted up some of the seedlings, one flowered and had really long thin petals like 'Pallida' don't know why that would happen do you? don't have any like that it could have crossed with, very pretty.

1 Mar, 2011


Maybe Pallida, in it's parentage somewhere, either that or the bees did it! lucky you!

1 Mar, 2011


Yes have magnus, huge flowers, it seeded around last year and potted up a few seedlings, one flowered and had long thin petals, like pallida don't know why that would happen do you? don't have any like that it could have crossed with.
You sound like me with my daylilies so many I'd like from USA but cost so much to import with the pysosanitary costs.
I'll look at your link later didn't know there were that many different varieties of echinacea.

1 Mar, 2011


Ooops don't know what happened there added twice sorry:-)
Yes could be, I'll have to google, oh yes plenty of bees here we have a beekeeper on the allotments at the bottom of the garden, talking of which must get back outside and get something done the suns shining, glorious day:-)

1 Mar, 2011


Saw a huge bumblebee today, the first this year. The sun was glorious but it's now gone behind a rather large cloud.

1 Mar, 2011


i remember liking this a while back... will be getting this plant...

and nice photo to because you can see detail of what makes the plant most striking...

6 Oct, 2013


The photo doesn't do it much justice, Jane. The central cone is green and the petals turn white - beautiful plant. I don't have it anymore, the excessive freezing temps we had here a few years ago killed it! I will get another for this new garden eventually!

7 Oct, 2013


oh! well it must be stunning then :):):) i will need a bigger would seem i like a lot of plants....
i hope you do treat yourself to a another!!! then we all might get to see :)

7 Oct, 2013


Thanks Jane. I'm the same , I see this that and the next thing, it's endless - especially on here! Lol

7 Oct, 2013


lol....i thought to come on here when i had spare moments but its keeps my interest going so much....the plants people have in their gardens amaze me....

i do like the artistic flair on here too...but i do not think most realize that they are!!!(artistic) and i so love how a lot work with nature....

7 Oct, 2013


I think because it's usually associated with paint & brushes, people might not associate themselves with the word artistic, but, in my humble opinion, anyone who puts a garden together is an artist!

7 Oct, 2013


and i can not put a garden together....

7 Oct, 2013


That will happen over time Jane.

8 Oct, 2013

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