Last day of February 2011
By Karensusan63

28 Feb, 2011
I !don't think Molly really thinks that Jack Russel Terriers should pose....she looks most unimpressed!
Comments on this photo
Perfection as ever. Lovely Molly x
28 Feb, 2011
Great arrangement
28 Feb, 2011
It looks as if you have planted Molly in a row of pots Karen!!
28 Feb, 2011
lol! I'd have a job 'planting' this dog anywhere, she can't even sit still on her own bed!! Thanks everyone!
28 Feb, 2011
She looks as though her paws are in the 'starting blocks' position! : o )
28 Feb, 2011
lol! Yup, that would be her! You just think you've got her calm and resting on her bed and a split second later she's at the fence barking her head off! She's like Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder Dog!! lol :))
28 Feb, 2011
Lovely pic she sounds like our youngest daughters dog Colin......mad as a hatter!!
28 Feb, 2011
That's a lovely picture Karen and so generous of Molly to pose for you ;-)
28 Feb, 2011
She's gorgeous Karen ..and think more of a poser than you give her credit for !lol :)
1 Mar, 2011
Pretty pic, does Molly walk around the flowers?
1 Mar, 2011
Yes, she does. She also knows what is meant by 'out'. When I shout 'out' she skips out of the border and back on to the grass!
1 Mar, 2011
Good girl! My two were very well trained until a cat came into the garden Lol
1 Mar, 2011
Yes, or a pidgeon, or a dog barks over the fence!
1 Mar, 2011
ADHD - they give children Ritilin for that condition - wonder if it works on dogs!! She looks as though butter would not melt in her mouth. Scruffy knows what keep off the garden means, but he is 14 years old next and as deaf as a post - we have to sign to him now, and that only works if he is looking at you. LOL> what a giggle he is. Going blind and deaf as well, but would miss him like crazy if he was not here. Which brings me on to the next subject, the damn sparrowhawk got the parakeet which has been with us for nearly a year flying around. The poor thing was sat in the rose tree two days ago and he tried to get him, but yesterday he succeeded, I know it is only nature but I hate sparrowhawks. He was a lovely bird and chattered away all day long sat in the tree and on the arch, demanding to be fed, he was a good alarm call for the kids outside their bedroom window he shouted and woke them up each Sat. morning, Sammie had a few tears last night.
1 Mar, 2011
That is sad Olive :o((((( We have a Buzzard scaring all the birds in the back field at the min, he is amazing to watch though
1 Mar, 2011
Now they are seriously scarey birds, huge and an amazing sight when they are in the sky and squeaking to each other. We get them over the wood quite a lot in summer. Yes it was sad I know, but we said at least he was happy flying around and a free spirit, think he liked sitting close to my aviary with my cockatiels in, he would sit and twitter to them, but I could never get close enough to capture him, ah well, it was his way.
:O( that is life I suppose.
1 Mar, 2011
OH NO!!!! :((((((( That's heartbreaking Mum....poor Sammie too. I guess his card was marked poor thing....he was white so easy to you say, at least he had some freedom and...well, we all have to go some time. Sad though.
As for the Buzzards, they are like crows here. You see them almost every day on the fence posts. Did you see the prog. about the Lakes last night? They had on a Bird of Prey expert from Muncaster...what an amazing place....anyway, he said that Buzzards are very lazy birds of prey and that they mostly sit on the fences at the side of the roads, waiting for cars to squish rabbits! He had one that ran along the ground after him....great programme. I so want to go to the Lakes again soon....beautiful place. Absolutely heavenly!
1 Mar, 2011
Karen, When Sammie and Sarah were little and Anita's husband had walked out on her and the kids we all went camping near Muncaster Castle, we rode the miniature train from our Camp site to Muncaster and went all round the grounds and saw the birds of prey, think Sarah was 14 and Sammie 10. Joanne and Alison still say that it was the best holiday they have ever had. Six girls in a tent and we had a brilliant holiday, no rain, which is pretty amazing for that area. 2 weeks of nothing but walking and visiting amazing places. You would love Muncaster Castle and grounds, and the little train which took us to it, (Little Ratty) amazing days.
1 Mar, 2011
Yes, that sounds lovely! I just thought it looked stunning. Perhaps that's what I'll do for my 50th....go to the Lakes, then go on a garden tour of England. It will only take me .....what do you think....oh....about 3 months should do it! lol...I'll be at Annie's house for at least two days chatting, and drinking!!
1 Mar, 2011
Now that sounds like a plan Karen! You would love it!
1 Mar, 2011
We would need at least two days Karen!!
I missed the program on the lakes and have only been there once a long time ago with Alan the ex but would love to go again.
The Buzzard flies over about midday so I only see it at weekends ( Tracey sees it most days......lady of leisure )
The crows and seagulls gang up and try to see it off but it takes Blackbirds with ease.
2 Mar, 2011
I love to see any bird of prey to be honest, although it's sad to see the little birds being taken, but that's what they are to the buzzards....lunch!
2 Mar, 2011
Lovely Molly Karen....she looks like she's smiling under sufference....Lol! That's awful about the sparrowhawk, poor parrot, a couple of years ago a sparrowhawk flew into our shed, and was hopping about from beam to beam....I'm sure it had swooped down to Jasper who was on the table in her cage at the time!
Like you we love the Lakes, going for Ian's 60th in a couple of weeks....:o))
2 Mar, 2011
I like the birds of prey also Karen, but I feel so guilty about feeding and encouraging them to come to the bird feeders when he just lies in wait for them and swoops down and grabs them, it is so sad when you see it happen. I wouldn't mind if he did it whilst I was away, but he keeps coming and I keep witnessing it. I am a softy where the birds are concerned. I keep telling myself it is natures way and he is just hungry and needs food the same as the rest of them but it hasn't worked yet, I still don't like to see it. I wish he was like the owls and only came at dark, I could handle that! He could have as many mice as he likes.
2 Mar, 2011
Oh yes, I understand, that would be much better!
2 Mar, 2011
I felt a bit like that when I found a dead goldfinch last week. A cat had mauled it. I see them coming in to my garden to stalk the birds which I have encouraged to come in for the food. I'd rather a hawk took them than a cat mauling them and leaving them to die.
2 Mar, 2011
Life is cruel, I like cats as well, we don't have a problem with the furry friends, not seen a cat around for ages, Brian Moulds used to have a couple and they would come through the wood to visit but he has got any now.
2 Mar, 2011
great pic karen ;o)
6 Mar, 2011
Thanks San....btw, my painting will soon be finished. Rachel has fallen in love with it, so I'm going to have it framed for her. I bought gloss spray on varnish in the art shop last week.....:))
6 Mar, 2011
thats great karen will you post a pic? hope so :o) im hoping to finish mine this week, im going to carols tomoz for an extra lesson and then studio on tuesday.
6 Mar, 2011
Yes, I will, as long as I don't ruin it before it's finished!
6 Mar, 2011
:o((( dont do that
6 Mar, 2011
will try not to! :))
6 Mar, 2011
6 Mar, 2011
13 Mar, 2011
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What a pretty picture.
28 Feb, 2011