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Over night we received a foot of snow


By Lori

Over night we received a foot of snow

This is typical of early March...

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Pretty photo but I hope spring is just around the corner for you, Lori.

7 Mar, 2011


come last snow man.....hope it all melts soon....:-)

7 Mar, 2011


Thanks W'lass, yes it's only 14 days away!! two little weeks...less than half a month!!!
Should try a snow sculpture...great idea, Sandra. Ottawa has a festival called "Winterlude" and the sculptures are just amazing! should see if I can find a pic to's called making the best of winter! We Canadians are masters of the art! lol.....

7 Mar, 2011


Greenthumb posted pics last winter of ice sculpures they were awesome....chainsaw at the

7 Mar, 2011


my poor little chainsaw is overworked with all the tree limbs etc. Will have to ask a friend for some pics of the ice sculptures.

9 Mar, 2011


Wow!!! That's a lot!

9 Mar, 2011


Two winters/early springs, ago, in Cornwall...we had a storm near the middle of March that dumped an inch short of five feet of snow on us! I'm grateful that we're not getting that this year...(gulp...yet..)

9 Mar, 2011



WOW!!! That's a lot of snow.

Did you see my snow pic of the Laguna Mountains in San Diego County?

Here's my pic:

10 Mar, 2011


amazing pic, D1. Thanks. I've only seen that much snow fall in such a short space of time once before. It was back in the 60's and between 7pm and 1 am we received three feet of it. Thankfully it was dry and light...the snow we received this week is spring snow...very wet. Last Sunday we received 10 inches of wet spring snow. Today temps went above freezing and the three inches of wet snow we received over night has turned to slush with the rain that's been falling all day long...and continues now in the evening. It's supposed to continue wet for the next two days! The snow level has dropped but not dramatically. It would be nice to lose some of it, but not all of it. reason being that April will kill a lot of perennials with freezing temps if there is no snow cover to keep the ground from thawing and refreezing.

11 Mar, 2011



Thanks! :>)

Hope you get some continued mild weather soon.

Many of the spring-flowering trees/plants have been blooming here for a month or so...the Jacarandas trees are loosing their leaves for their April, May blooms to come, they will bloom until around the beginning of July.

16 Mar, 2011


I've just purchased a greenhouse and I'm hoping to have it up and running soon...but it will be a little late for this season. going to move my orchids and epi cacti out into it as soon as I can arrange it.

21 Mar, 2011


And I bet it didn't stop you doing anything!

21 Mar, 2011


A greenhouse will be a boon to you, Lori as your spring will be much later than ours. You are having a great time getting things underway at your new home...the move is working well for you :)

21 Mar, 2011


Thanks OG and Whist.... the space of time since we received that snow it has melted almost away..I'd guess there is only about foot high drifts left now! but we had snow overnight! The greenhouse was finally delivered after it saw most of Southern Ontario while getting here~took 10 days doing it. Will need at least two Philadelphia lawyers to help me put it together. The one thing keeping my feet on the ground is the S L O W pace of the season...hurry up spring!

22 Mar, 2011

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