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Plumeria 'Duke'

Plumeria 'Duke'

Plumeria 'Duke' has large flowers which average more than 3 inches in diameter. The fragrance is very strong becoming even stronger after the flowers are picked.

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What a beauty did you grow this yourself.

11 Mar, 2011


Currently, it's blooming under grow lights in my living room .
I'm going to post a picture of a flower of Duke that had been picked 3 days before I took the picture.

22 Mar, 2011


Thank you I shall have a look.

22 Mar, 2011


This is a beautiful flower, Bob! I'd love to grow them myself! I discovered this flower on my wife's laptop. It was set as the default background for her desktop. I got her to send me a copy of it & I had it as my desktop background for a few months as well!

29 Mar, 2011



Pretty flower! I like this variety of does have a wonderful fragrance. It becomes a pretty large tree outside in the ground here where I live.

16 Apr, 2011


Its beautiful................

27 Apr, 2011

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