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Buzzard soaring above us

Buzzard soaring above us

We have noticed this bird occasionally over the past few weeks but never had the camera ready. Today there were 4 soaring around. It's very unusual for us to see these in Nottinghamshire. A wonderful sight.

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Fantastic Homebird!!

19 Mar, 2011


They can reach 6 ft - big birds

19 Mar, 2011


I've seen one flying over the field behind me lately, huge and very impressive! Never a bird insight when he appears

19 Mar, 2011


First time I saw it I was lying in bed and it flew past the bedroom window! I was up like a shot to get a better look but unfortunatly that day he took a blackbird in flight. The small kids that live accross the road were screaming, bless them.

19 Mar, 2011


I did read an article saying they had come down from Scotland because of the snow there

19 Mar, 2011


Birds are always tell tell signs of some thing altering omens, lovely photo

19 Mar, 2011


Lovely sight, well caught!

21 Mar, 2011

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