Cardinal During March 23rd Snowstorm

23 Mar, 2011
Another snowstorm, the cardinal looks so regal against the snow. As much as I love the snow photo-ops, the snow storms are getting a little old. Come on Spring...
Comments on this photo
I am so jealous... I worked in my garden all day on Sunday, and then winter reared it's ugly head again...
23 Mar, 2011
For England, the weather forecast this weekend is chillier...but not snow... I hope... :o)
23 Mar, 2011
We woke up to snow this morning as well (I'm in Nova Scotia)but luckily it didn't last.
25 Mar, 2011
He's beautiful. Snow's gone here & it's nice and warm but now we're into tornado season.
27 Mar, 2011
Our snow will be around for at least the next 5 days, as it is going to be very cold and snow showers daily. It has been a brutal winter. I think I would rather have the snow and cold than torndoes and hurricanes though.
27 Mar, 2011
The tornado sirens started blaring at midnight last night, which means there was a tornado spotted in the vicinity; we had unbelievable thunderstorms and something right outside the house got hit by lightning, or maybe the house got hit for at least the 4th time. But I don't see any damage today.
I'm not a fan of the snow and ice and cold, and since this house has been standing for over 100 years I figure it'll remain standing for a few more!
27 Mar, 2011
It is another cold day here in upstate NY. But the sun is shining at least...
Glad you're safe from the tornadoes, it must be scary though when you see how much damage they can do.
I am glad nothing happened to your house. Our house got hit by lightning one time about 25 years ago, Luckily nothing happened, my husband was in the shower at the time, it scared the heck out of me. I never heard a crack that loud in my life. Do you have a pic of yours posted? I'd love to see it. We live in a 180 year old house in the country. I love old houses, there a few pics posted.
~ Lisa
27 Mar, 2011
I do have a photo posted, which was taken on a cold grey day around Christmastime. It was built in 1900 - considered ancient around here since only 10% of the housing stock was built before 1940. I'm originally from NJ so I really miss seeing houses like yours, or even old Victorians with lots of gingerbread and gargoyles - we don't have that here!
27 Mar, 2011
I looked up your house. It's so cozy looking. I love the garland on your porch.
~ Lisa
27 Mar, 2011
It's cooooold in the winter though, you're probably familiar with that! It isn't well insulated, would cost me about $5000 to reinsulate it, but that's $5000 more than what I have. But it does stay nice and cool in the summer time because of the big trees and high ceilings.
28 Mar, 2011
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Lovely photo... I hope you get some warm weather soon..
I was gardening in warm sunshine today :o)
23 Mar, 2011