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Garden in March sunshine

Garden in March sunshine

Spring Garden

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lovely big garden

25 Mar, 2011


really lovely, you have some beautiful shapes in those trees.

25 Mar, 2011


Such a lot of space Sheila.....its great.

25 Mar, 2011


I would so love to walk around your garden Shelia...I always get excited when I see you've uploaded pics. I'm not sure what it is about it, but is really appeals to me....the size, the view, the light, the trees...all of it. Does it face south?

26 Mar, 2011


i know what you mean karen but i cant explain it either.

26 Mar, 2011


I think it is a lot to do with the trees Sticki!

26 Mar, 2011


could well be!!

26 Mar, 2011


Gosh, Karen, you've made my day! Thank you for your generous comments, and I'm amazed. Obviously it's MY favourite place, but it's lovely when others like it too. The garden actually faces north-east, so this bed gets quite a bit of shade, but this angle probably shows it at its best.

Thank you to Yorkshire, Sticki and Janey too.

26 Mar, 2011


WOW ! All that grass to cut as well,.. hope you have a nice ride-on lawn mower... lovely looking garden x

26 Mar, 2011


Wow! North East eh? the hardest aspect of all! Still, with all that space you will have all aspects in reality, just a lot of shade against the back of your house. Mine faces north west and is quite short, but it is still very very sunny in the summer time. Lovely in the evening sun. I love yours though Sheila, all those beautiful trees and the just merges in to the countryside around you....lovely!

26 Mar, 2011


Many thanks lonegardener . . . but maybe not as big as it looks! Instead of a nice ride-on lawn mower, I have a nice OH who enjoys mowing in stripes! I'm a lucky lady . . . he's now done the edges too, which always helps to make it look good.

26 Mar, 2011


Karen, when are you coming south?! Our neighbourhood has an Open Gardens Day on Sunday, June 12th - we are not open to everyone, but welcome friends for a Pimm's anytime after 3.00pm.

Put the date in your diaries, folks!

27 Mar, 2011


What a lovely idea! I am going to Chelsea in May now Sheila, so other trip to the south east has been postponed. Perhaps next year!

27 Mar, 2011


Pimms in the garden? what a lovely idea. how many people open their gardens?

27 Mar, 2011


Not sure yet, Sticki, but I think around 12 - 15.

27 Mar, 2011


they do a similar thing in alvechurch ~ a little village near here ~ i think the money goes to the church but its rather nice cos there is such variety ~ tiny courtyard gardens behind terraced cottages which you have to walk through to find the garden, onto georgian rectories.

27 Mar, 2011


Yes, I'm fairly sure the money raised here goes to the local church too. It's lovely seeing the different gardens, and some sell plants too, and even teas!

27 Mar, 2011


yes same in the village ~ its all very friendly, works really well.

27 Mar, 2011


Sheila, your garden is stunning! The curves just let your eye sweep round left to the furthest tree and then back up through the right hand border, really lovely positioning of the trees, it's lovely now, it must be breathtaking in the's yummy!

27 Mar, 2011


Sheila, your garden is beautiful, lovely and big. I Love the view as you look up through all those gorgeous trees......

28 Mar, 2011


Thank you so much Libet and Lin! Curves are always good . . .

28 Mar, 2011


we should all remember that sheila ~ maybe i will put it up as a poster ~ CURVES ARE GOOD!!!

28 Mar, 2011


You'll enjoy doing that Sticki . . . and how are the GoY badges coming along, lol?! :))

28 Mar, 2011


ah! um......... well
they idea i had didnt work well
got to have another go!
when i met up with Tet i made a badge of my icon/avatar so we could recognise each other but if it was for a big garden show a GoY badge would be better.

28 Mar, 2011

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