The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Rosa 'William Lobb'


By Andrewr

Rosa 'William Lobb' (Rosa 'William Lobb')

A moss rose (see the growth on the unopenend buds), this grows to six feet or more

Comments on this photo


Are the buds fuzzy?

1 Jun, 2008


Yes they are. All the moss roses have this sort of mossy growth to some extent

1 Jun, 2008



5 Jun, 2008


Fantastic Colour :)

5 Jun, 2008


Love this rose
you have some fabulous plants in your garden andrew
is it very large?

10 Jan, 2010


Vicky - the back garden is about 100 feet long by about fifty wide. Being a semi-detached house, the garden wraps around the side of the house as well plus the land at the front. And it's overflowed into the grass verge outside too

10 Jan, 2010


You seem to have lots of lovely plants in it
is this one from your garden?

10 Jan, 2010


Yes, I have an area near the back door (which perversely is on the side of the house) which I grandly call the Rose Garden

10 Jan, 2010



1 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of species Rosa 'William Lobb'.

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This photo is of "Rosa 'William Lobb'" in Andrewr's garden

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