Dicentra and Arisaema ringens
By Lauram

25 Mar, 2011
It's still looking a little barren around here because the ferns aren't up yet.
Comments on this photo
This is a beauty Lauram..must get some !
26 Mar, 2011
At least your dicentra is flowering, mine has just poked it's head out of the ground :o)
26 Mar, 2011
Whiston - I would not have a garden without ferns!! I have mostly shade, and although I've been gradually discovering beautiful native wildflowers that thrive under low light, the ferns really add so much texture and structure to the garden. That spot is also barren because I gave away several underperforming Heuchera, and now I'm tasked with finding something to fill in the empty area. Boo hoo, what a horrible chore!
I planted 3 log ferns in the fall; they're a naturally occurring hybrid of the southern wood fern and the Goldie's fern. They're evergreen and TALL! I also bought 8 Tennessee glade ferns, another big fern; I wanted some of those huge ostrich ferns that a couple of GoYers have but it's simply too hot here. Better to just invest in something that will work with my climate.
Judy, the only problem I have with the bleeding hearts is that they tend to fizzle out pretty quickly if they become at all dry (they were gone by last July). Since I have several plants in my garden now that will suffer the same fate unless I'm a consistent waterer, I'll be running that hose a lot this summer! I was surprised that all 3 bleeding hearts made it thru the hot summer & cold winter; I'd even planted more wood ferns next to them when they died off.
27 Mar, 2011
that is very impressive Laura - I love these dicentras
1 Apr, 2011
I hope you will put up photos of your wide selection of ferns when they put on some growth this year, Lauram. I always thought ferns needed little light and moisture...shows you what I don't know! lol I'm going to google dicentras and see what they are all about too.
1 Apr, 2011
I think it varies - some can handle more light than others, like hayscented fern (it does well anywhere just not in my garden) - some can handle more sun the more moisture they get. And there are some, like the southern wood fern, that really thrive in heavy, saturated clay soils like we have here.
I still have a couple of ferns on my wish list for this year, when I get a little extra money....I suppose I could stop eating for a few weeks! I really want beech ferns and southern rock polypody.
1 Apr, 2011
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Very unusual flowers, Lauram....so you will have some ferns in your garden soon as well?
26 Mar, 2011