Oy Mom!...it's a little crowded in here!
By Lori

1 Apr, 2011
looks like I'd better get busy digging...Aramis is not happy.
Comments on this photo
Looking pretty big, Lori!
1 Apr, 2011
hello there :):)
2 Apr, 2011
Guess he's anxious for spring too Lori! It's not much better here - a day or two of sun and 45*, then snow and 29* and the unending gray skies again!! Not so overly much snow this winter but oh so long and dreadfully dreary!! The crocus are up and blooming now that the snow from two days ago has begun to melt away, again... I can't wait to get out and rake the yard!!
3 Apr, 2011
Hello Johnjoe...thanks! He's about 8 inches long, W'lass!
They have been in an aq. much too long, Paul, I really must make them a priority.
Hello Grammazoo...What a strange winter we had, aye? and this nonexistant spring is almost more than I can bear...I just want some regular old spring weather...PLEASE!!! I don't know if there are any crocus or tulips planted hereabouts...have to wait a little longer...Oh I can't stand it!
Have done some raking in areas where there was long grass and tall weeds last year...the township has burning restrictions that don't allow grassfires..rats..means a lot more raking for me! Burning off the long dead grass was one of the rights of spring from my childhood...dear Dad taught me how to do it safely...but the authorities say no...so I have blisters.
3 Apr, 2011
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Looks amazing.
1 Apr, 2011