Spring pots........
By Dottydaisy2

1 Apr, 2011
Still a few more to open......
Comments on this photo
Just gorgeous! It certainly makes a pretty picture.
1 Apr, 2011
Thanks both, Bernieth how are you long time no see?
1 Apr, 2011
Hi Dotty. Yes it has been a while since I've spent any time here. I have popped in every now and then but haven't spent long. We've been having a horror 'wet' season down here ... record rainfall, cyclones, thunderstorms! Not exactly a whole lot of fun, but that's the tropics for you.
Your garden must be looking fabulous if this spot is anything to go by. It looks like springtime has well and truly arrived. I simply love this collection of pots ... and plants! You've done a marvellous job.
2 Apr, 2011
Very nice looks really brill.
2 Apr, 2011
Thanks Clarice, and HB......Oh dear Bernieth, I do hope it has not ruined your wonderful garden. OH is responsible for the pots, he is much better at it than I am......
2 Apr, 2011
beautiful dotty, wish my garden looked like yours ;o)
2 Apr, 2011
San thanks,your garden is lovely, so a wasted wish lol
3 Apr, 2011
beautiful & cheery - you must be the envy of your neighbors!
4 Apr, 2011
I must put Tulips in pots for next year, that looks really good
4 Apr, 2011
aww thanx dotty :o)) lol
4 Apr, 2011
Annella we used proper bulb compost this year....and the tulips are much better.
Thanks Lauram, they think we are slightly mad!!
4 Apr, 2011
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What a lovely picture, so nice.
1 Apr, 2011