By Surreylad

3 Apr, 2011
my poor old saxafraga took a bit of a beating this winter it's lost it's middle, but it's still starting to flower so it gives me a good excuse to split it into little bits and spread it about.. :-)
Comments on this photo
that's true, it only started as a small little piece so i was quite sad when i saw it like this.
4 Apr, 2011
I've found that this type of saxifrage is quite prone to looking dry and dead in the centre... Splitting and replanting works well..
4 Apr, 2011
There you are Surreylad bet your pleased to hear Terratoonies advice. I think I had this some years ago at another house and it done the same to me thinking of it.
4 Apr, 2011
Hi 6d ... Sometimes you can solve the problem by adding more soil over the "dead" looking area in the centre ...
... but probably better to split it into several little plants ...
4 Apr, 2011
Good morning and thank you for that Terratoonie :o))
4 Apr, 2011
thanks terra,your right sixpence i've not heard of that idea before, i used to have one called 'cloth of gold' that suffered with that terra, even splitting it didn't work, and it eventually died not sure why..
4 Apr, 2011
I have this one and always put more earth over the centre when it drys out, it soon grows through and I get a lovely green mound back again.....
4 Apr, 2011
thanks, i'll give that a try before splitting it up. fingers crossed,
4 Apr, 2011
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What a shame is lovely as well at least if you split you will have some to fall back on if one does nt survive in future winters and it will double quicker too.
4 Apr, 2011