Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
By Meanie

4 Apr, 2011
This is blooming nicely now.
Comments on this photo
Wow , it's beautful Meanie !
4 Apr, 2011
Thanks chaps!
Given myself the day off, so I'm messing about with the tripod and backgrounds.....
4 Apr, 2011
wonderful plants and beautiful photos
4 Apr, 2011
thats fantastic. great use of a day off ~ can you try this one with a black background ~ please?
its a stunning colour and shape.
4 Apr, 2011
see what you mean Sticki, it wiuld like nice with a black background
4 Apr, 2011
I deleted the black ones - they weren't as good (to my eyes anyway)
I'll try again after tea..
4 Apr, 2011
oh, sorry! does the black not work? im sure you will know better than me ~ it looks a stunning flower but i would love to see it against black thats all.
4 Apr, 2011
The other two flowers should be fully open tomorrow, so I think that I'll try again then.
4 Apr, 2011
lucky you! 3 such gorgeous flowers. why did you delete the black ones ~ didnt they work?
4 Apr, 2011
They didn't really - the velvety nature of the petals means that there is not a great deal of definition in the red of the petals. The effect of the black background was to make this even less apparent (although there was actually no difference, it was just the way that my eyes "processed" it) if that makes sense.
Also, the end of the stigma was practically lost in the black background. Again, it was there but you had to seek it out.
4 Apr, 2011
yes i understand that ~ all to do with texture and colour. black and red dont always work do they?
im having trouble getting a good shot of my camellia cos its deep red and the details dont seem to show up.
the definition on your photo is just superb and it would certainly be a shame to lose that. perhaps grey would work?
4 Apr, 2011
Have you tried a night shot of the Camellia?
4 Apr, 2011
no! ~ with the flash? i can have a go ~ macro or normal?
4 Apr, 2011
With the flash in as many different modes as you can muster - there are no developing costs with digital photography (just the recycle bin)!
4 Apr, 2011
when i get round to deleting!!! im not good at that ~ i have thousands of photos on this poor computer! had to get an external hard drive.
i will have a go ~ its cold and dark out there!!
4 Apr, 2011
4 Apr, 2011
well ive been out ~ as instructed!!! in the dark ~ dont know where i was treading ~ hope the plants in the flowerbed have survived my feet!! i have taken a few photos ~ hard to find the flowers in the dark!!!
got to look at them on the computer now to see if it has worked. some in macro and some normal!
4 Apr, 2011
The one drawback of night photography Sticki.......
Thank you Milky!
4 Apr, 2011
i shall find the footprints in the morning!!!
4 Apr, 2011
And the damage!!!!
Should have kept my mouth shut!
4 Apr, 2011
i will put a photo on tomorrow if i have just trodden on my prize winning and very rare orchid!!???
4 Apr, 2011
Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility whatsoever for any dumb-assed ideas that I have!!!
4 Apr, 2011
now you tell me!!!
i dont have any rare orchids.
4 Apr, 2011
im putting one of the photos on now!
4 Apr, 2011
happy with it?
It's a colour that my camera struggles with if left to it's own devices......
4 Apr, 2011
not really ~ i like the leaves but although the colour comes out beautifully i think the edges of the petal have dissolved into the red? i could cheat and say thats the effect i was looking for ~ but that wouldnt be true!!
5 Apr, 2011
As you say, it's difficult to focus in the dark! If you look at the leaves, they appear to be where the auto-focus was working. It's all trial and error.
5 Apr, 2011
have to go out with the torch next time!! it might help!
5 Apr, 2011
Or get a camera with a built in light.....
5 Apr, 2011
that would definitely be better ~ i was surprised that the area didnt light up when i focussed on it.
been out today taking more ~ all different settings ~ but i should have written down which they were!!
5 Apr, 2011
Great close up! It looks like Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'San Diego Red'.
6 Apr, 2011
Thank you Delonix!
6 Apr, 2011
You're welcome! :>)
7 Apr, 2011
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Beautiful, great shot! :)))
4 Apr, 2011