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Daylily bed extension finished


By Simbad

Daylily bed extension finished

Well finished the extension, did two sides in the end only a few gaps left for my new ones when they arrive, can't believe how fast they're growing.

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this is going to look beautiful

4 Apr, 2011


What a fantastic job you have done looking forward to the flowers;0)

4 Apr, 2011


Some hard work done then. I find day lilies amazing how they can stand frosts, they are up so early and look so tender but are as tough as old boots

4 Apr, 2011


You're going to have a wonderful show this year Kathy , I'm thrilled to tell you that I took a seed from the Canadian border Patrol you sent me last year and it's growing I have a new baby one in a pot :o)) I also have several ornamental sweet corn plants growing from the original seed you sent me , I'm very pleased with them :o))

4 Apr, 2011


Oh lovely, cant wait to see them in flower Simbad...:>)

4 Apr, 2011


They do look healthy.....

4 Apr, 2011


Growing nicely!

4 Apr, 2011


That will look amazing in flower :o)))

5 Apr, 2011


Thankyou, I'm so excited can't wait till summer they've all grown so much should be quite a show, we've booked a holiday halfway through the season though, told oldest daughter if any new ones flower while we're away she has to take a piccy:-)
Sooo right Dawn some of themk look so exotic but stand up to winters like last year!!!!
Wow thats good news Amy I found a couple of self sown ones in the garden last year, never had that before, don't know which they're from but have grown quite big now think it'll be next year before they flower though, funny you should say that I've just sown some of that ornamental corn too,didn't grow it last year but quite a few gaps this year so it'll fill a few spaces, glad you like them even though you can't eat them :-)

5 Apr, 2011


How dare you go away Kathy just when the day lilies may flower, lol. Glad the girls have strict instructions to have the camera at the ready.

Amy/Kathy, do the ornamental sweetcorn grow to the same height as normal sweetcorn?

5 Apr, 2011


Yes Dawn it gets to the same height as normal sweetcorn, around 4ft, but has lovely pink green and cream foliage, very pretty, Zea Mays Quadricolor, just sown my saved seed or I could have sent you some.
Did your lobelia tupa survive the winter? think I've lost mine, luckily I saved some seed though and have lots of babies, just have to wait a few years till it gets big again.

7 Apr, 2011


Hi Kathy, I have your ornamental sweetcorn seeds from you via lovely Amy, lol. Planted and doing well. Thanx for the info on them. Must check if the lobelia tupa tomorrow are still around.

8 Apr, 2011


What a sight Kathy, new growth, new bed I'm feeling very jealous :o))) I have to find a gap here a gap there for this new addiction you've got me into. How large is your garden if you don't mind me asking?

13 Apr, 2011


They're growing so fast Pam, quite a few looked pretty sad after last winter can't believe how they've all recovered so quickly, I've found a few gaps in the borders too were things have died so may need to get a few more,lol.
Our gardens 3rd of an acre, where the grass finishes on the right there are some steps that lead to another lower area, hubbies been doing me a paved area for a table etc down there, taking him ages, but poor things always working though so don't complain, so not taken many pictures of that area yet,also the trees at the back our our little wooded area, takes some looking after, but love it and wouldn't want to be anywhere else, we also have 1 and a 1/2 allotments at the bottom of the garden, mind you only the 1/2 is mine, not allowed on the other one thats hubbies, and yes your right mines full of daylilies.

14 Apr, 2011


Your garden is idyllic Kathy.

16 Apr, 2011


Thankyou Dawn I love yours too swap you:-), don't show the not so good areas riddled with bindweed and ground elder,lol.

17 Apr, 2011


We should swap for a couple of weeks lol. I could raid your yummy allotment and take lots of cutting from your shrubs. I have lots of mess tho, bind weed is the bane of my life.

18 Apr, 2011


Ok Dawn your pools looking very appealing,lol, so pick a warm week, ground elders my worst enemy have a track along the bottom of the garden and it spreads to my garden from there and the next plot that hasn't been built on yet, have to keep spraying under the hedges to keep it at bay, unfortunately its in the wood too, just been spraying some today trying to clear it before planting some hostas, think it'll need a few more sprays before its gone though, thank god for roundup,lol.

18 Apr, 2011


Ok, warm week booked, lol.
Roundup is the best isnt it but the horrid perennial weeds take some killing. I need to get some more this week. I have a horrible weed in my woodland, cant think of the name right now but starts around now with big leaves, groes to about 4 feet, has white flat flower heads, ends up with a hollow woody stem and seed heads. Tried to collect them all last autumn but still seeded down. This spring, sprayed them with Roundup when emerging ... Killed the grass but they are still prospering, might strim them next.

18 Apr, 2011


Not cow parsley is it Dawn our woods full of it too its everywhere and the roots go down so far, luckily it dies back pretty quickly when its flowered, yes I strim ours too now Rob lets me loose with the strimmer,lol, he bought me one of those battery ones which are much lighter and easier to use.

19 Apr, 2011


We have this too Kathy, but the one I mentioned is much bigger with huge leaves, I hate it. So you're a big girl now then if Rob lets you strim, lol. I have a petrol strimmer, its a bit heavy for me, my old lighter one has gone to strimmer heaven.

19 Apr, 2011

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