The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

horse maure


By Sandra

horse maure

Comments on this photo


Ooh lovely stuff!!!..(the manure i

5 Apr, 2011


he he son David...he's lovely just turned twenty three last weekend. the horse manures not bad either just turned

6 Apr, 2011


Lol. Looking good ...

... both ... ;o)

6 Apr, 2011


Wouldn't mind all this in my garden,Sandra..!! Lol.

6 Apr, 2011


Oh you fortunate woman! Horse poop is the best. It produces lots of heat so watch the thermo in the pile! Unless of course you are REALLY lucky and bought it fully composted!!!

6 Apr, 2011


you girls are terrible giggle giggle...

the muck is from a local stables and its 4 year old. its all moved now onto the raised beds in the tunnel, the fruit garden, the runner beans, and some bagged up to put in the allotment later on. i even had my girls on the barrow today they are both home from uni. its great to have them here and useful too..:-)

6 Apr, 2011


; - ) ! Nice!

8 Apr, 2011


I've got to go and get a couple of trailer loads myself, hoping I can do it this week. but it means loading and unloading it myself, just over a ton of the stuff. Still I should smell delightful when I've done it LOL

11 Apr, 2011


2nd this stuff smell lovely as its so old...good luck moving yours...

12 Apr, 2011


I agree with you all, lovely stuff! I can't believe we are getting excited over a load of ....!

12 Apr, 2011


thats the sort of people we

12 Apr, 2011


my neighbours opposite us have horses, frequently I can be seen dodging the traffic with heaped wheel barrows of the best garden conditioner available. Good comment Richard LOL !!!!

12 Apr, 2011


LOL... Sandra this is why horse stuff is not that easily come much competition from crazy gardeners, mining for garden gold! I'm impressed that you found four year old composted stuff! Wow...that's, like, platinum!! hee hee....

13 Apr, 2011


lots of horse**** here if you want any!

but pleased to report no red underpants..ever ; )

2 May, 2011

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This photo was taken at Corseside Nursery.

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