Another plant label showing the detail on each.
By Scotsgran

6 Apr, 2011
Plant labels with useful information
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I started off last year full of good intentions on tracking my potatoes from planting to lifting with careful notes on what happened when. Life got in the way so I am trying again this year. Visitors often ask details which it is not always easy to remember when you are put on the spot. This way I am hoping to be one step ahead of them. I may roll this out throughout the garden if it works. I have read that UV film is available and will be better for outdoor projects. I also have an Excel programme noting purchases and planting times etc. I have not given much detail on the potatoes because I hope to do a blog. I see I have a spelling mistake there. I do have a triangular pot. I love reading plant catalogues, it is a passion I know is shared with many fellow gardeners. Copying the info from there to here seemed like a good idea. It has taken me a fair time to do it but I am getting quicker. My first laminator which I have had for years decided to go wonky so I bought a second one. The description on the box confused me so i did some research and took it back to the shop where I exchanged it for a different model. I somehow managed to jam that one so hubby being a very well qualified engineer had a look at it. He fixed it and has just brought me the original one back hopefully fixed too. My Superhero.
6 Apr, 2011
Well done Hubby, we do need our OH when things go wrong dont we? I love your labels, so clear and precise, you should go into business Lol.
6 Apr, 2011
Thank you Grandmage, I think I had better do the market research first and find out how long they survive. Because the film is 80microns it could mean the writing will fade. The film might not stand up either. I have not looked at the price of UV film so it might work out cheaper to replace them every year. I like playing on the computer to see what I can do. I have noticed similar labelling in Garden Centres and I like to have the informatio to hand. I scan labels of new plants and I am thinking of printing them out and laminating them.
6 Apr, 2011
Thats nice S.gran, I like playing on the computer too, but havnt tried anything like that!! Keep it up.
6 Apr, 2011
It beats doing housework when the weather is cold and wet. I have been trying to take photos outside for the past few weeks and it is either too wet or too sunny.I cannot work out how to turn off the flash on my camera to stop everything coming out too shiny.
7 Apr, 2011
What make is your camera? Maybe pop into a shop in town and ask advice? You need to know how to turn it off dont you? Its sunny today but cold 14* !
7 Apr, 2011
14* would be lovely. I have the manual somewhere. Because I have been away so often I tend to put things in a safe place and then forget where. We have far too much clutter but what do you get rid of first. We have made a big clearance but there is still a long way to go. I am trying to persuade the kids (at 40 and 45?) to take their precious memories away with them to clutter up their own homes because we are running out of space.
7 Apr, 2011
Snap, S.gran our loft 'was' full to bursting but we have managed to persuade our daughter (34) who is expecting no. two in August, to take the eight boxes of clothes home and sort them out!!! She did and now we can breathe, be it only a little, til she takes the rest. Lol!! We have gotten rid of so much lately as we have a new hospice shop open up nearby and we felt the money for our junk could go to better use!! Lol.
7 Apr, 2011
I am a regular contributor at our local charity shops only trouble is I come home with books I see when I am there. I love cookery books as well as gardening books.
7 Apr, 2011
Its funny how you seem to empty loads out to charity, yet the house is still full!!! Lol. I love books Gran. but I only buy ones to read then pass them on, just havnt got the room.
8 Apr, 2011
8 Apr, 2011
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Thats unusual S.gran !!
6 Apr, 2011