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Lily-Rose Patridge

Lily-Rose Patridge

My grandaughter.

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Gorgeous. What lovely hair.

9 Apr, 2011


Hi beautiful girl...ahhh

20 May, 2011


thank u all, dont see enough of her, as she lives150 mls away.mmm....

24 Jan, 2012


you are so lucky, Bilbo. my daughter has to put lily in the nursery from 8 - 6 everyday, and has done since 6months, how I would love to have her!!! and save my daughter a thousand pounds a month. gr....

24 Jan, 2012


what a lovely response, I did enjoy reading it, politicians, and the church, make me angry they have no idea of the real world, I could write a book about my partners experiences, driving abroad, I will say no more. I am so pleased you unerstand the reasoning behind why these parents have to go to work, a. my daughter studied hard to get where she is, and doesnt want to lose her place in society, and they just could not manage on one wage, even cutting back, they only have a small house, but everything is so expensive, and they dont have any luxuries at all, they drive older cars, have 1 holiday a year, which I feel they need. Oh dear I could go on. but yes, its lovely to have lily when I do see her its a joy. love to you Bilbobaggins, been up all night with my dog, so I think I shall have a kip. x x x

26 Jan, 2012


thank u so much, and love to you as well, by the way its larry dog that has pyoderma, and possibily thyroidism, he just had to be castrated as well as his prostrate was huge, and then they found an umbilical hernia, he is such a gorgeous dog as well. just heard from my daughter she has a meeting monday, has to drop off lily at 7 am, drive 2 hrs to a meeting and be back to pick her up, so monday I shall have a worry day.!! have a great weekend I am just off to the gym, ugh!! has to be done. x

28 Jan, 2012

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