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Rosa 'Canary Bird'


By Simbad

Rosa 'Canary Bird' (Rose)

Just started opening today, absolutely covered in buds.

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This is a lovely rose like the ferny foilage a fresh lemon flowers;0)

14 Apr, 2011


A Rose in the middle of April? WOW!!

14 Apr, 2011


It is lovely isn't it Carole and Karen, really must google when I'm supposed to prune this though, probably be after flowering, its over 6ft tall now and not far off that across, bit of a monster its sending suckers off everywhere, but when it looks like this I'll forgive it, scented too Karen:-)

15 Apr, 2011


I had one many years ago, it was grafted onto a standard and made a wonderful weping rose, a real delight each Spring.

15 Apr, 2011


Oooo bet that was lovely Carole, never seen this variety grafted like that.

15 Apr, 2011


It certainly was ! wish I had dug it up and brought it with me;0)

15 Apr, 2011


It sounds lovely. You've just reminded me. There is a rose at Branklyn Garden in Perth that is a real tree. it has a trunk and branches and looks just like a tree but it is a red rose! Absolutely stunning!

15 Apr, 2011


Just perfect. I want one

15 Apr, 2011


It would be lovely in your garden DA. You have space for it!

15 Apr, 2011


I better try and find one then Karen. I do need shrubs with some umph so I get some impact.

16 Apr, 2011


Yes, I can imagine. It must be much harder to get impact in a bigger garden. I guess that's when planting in 3s or even 5s really helps!

16 Apr, 2011


Thanks for that reminder Karen. When setting a new bed I do set in groups but tend to forget when filling gaps, thank you for the tip.

16 Apr, 2011


Oh, you are very welcome!

16 Apr, 2011


Yes Dawn would look great in your garden, looks and smells wonderful today the sun has really opened the flowers.
Had quite a busy weekend, wedding friday then went to a concert in Sheffield last night,we stayed over in a hotel and went for a lovely wonder round Sheffield botanical gardens today,wonderful place just wish I'd taken the camera, only 5 minutes walk from the hotel, this afternoon I've been planting more snowdrops in the wood.

17 Apr, 2011


That sounds like a wonderful weekend Simbad. What was the concert? I remember going to hear Mahler Symphony 5 in the City Hall was absolutely incredible!! I had never heard anything like it, and ever since then I have loved Mahler!

18 Apr, 2011


Yes lovely weekend Karen, perfect weather, we went to see Paul Rogers, we saw him a few months ago with Bad Company and he was brilliant, first time I've seen the whole place full for a support band too usually people miss them and come later, they were great as well.
The Botanic Gardens were lovely, first time I've been there, so many shrubs flowering that I'd never seen before, immaculate not a weed in sight, wish mine looked like that,lol.

18 Apr, 2011


Oh, ok. The last gig I went to was Coldplay I think.....or Keane. Their stuff is not so good anymore.....:((

18 Apr, 2011


Glad you had a good weekend Kathy. Bulb setting is hard work but will be well worth it. I feel like i've set thousands of bluebells, I probably have. There were so many on the new piece of garden but in the wrong place which ive set amongst the trees, barrow full after barrow full. I hope to have a bluebell woodland one day.

18 Apr, 2011


Would love to see Coldplay Karen, have quite a few of their albums, Bad Company are a bit before my time more Robs era he's a bit older than me but do remember and like a lot of their stuff as my brother liked them.
Know what you mean Dawn the snowdrops where on the allotment totally the wrong place so Rob brought them back the other day, loads of them, started off clumps of three or four but by the end of the afternoon resorted to 20 or more,lol.

18 Apr, 2011


Oh lol Kathy, I was the same, started off planting neatly in bunches of 5, making sure all upright and no white stem showing, then after a few hours, throwing them ino the hole, lol, but have to re set every last one, I can't throw any away.

18 Apr, 2011

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This photo is of species Rose.

This photo is of "Rose 'Canary Bird'" in Simbad's garden

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