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Actinidia or Kiwi vine.

Actinidia or Kiwi vine. (Actinidia deliciosa (Kiwi fruit))

This has grown to the top of the pergola so about 6 ft plus. It is in it's third season but has not flowered yet.

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I grew this before in another garden, a pergola is ideal as the flowers come under the leaves and the bees will be able to pollinate them more easily, you can have five or six female plants to one male plant, have you got both as both are needed for pollination, in UK mine fruited just before christmas and it softened indoors just in time for christmas. I have also just planted the smaller leaved self fertile variety that is making rapid growth after recovering from losing all it's leaves to a late frost.
I am planting one male and two female Kiwi plants this year over a large arch.
Do you know if and when to prune?

18 Jul, 2008


Hi Tussiemussie, this is a self fertilising one according to the label. It has not flowered yet (I've had it for 2+years). I have not pruned at all so far. Will have to look it up.

18 Jul, 2008

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This photo is of "Kiwi" in Chrispook's garden

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