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Lunaria,and Euonymous.


By Bloomer

 Lunaria,and Euonymous.

Some more Honesty in the long border.The big gap in the middle ,will be filled with my hardy Fuchsia,which has come through the winter..yippee !

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The euonymus look lovely now with their fresh leaves dont they. That garden will look lovely when the fuchsia has grown

19 Apr, 2011


looking excellent :):):)

19 Apr, 2011


My hardy fuchsias i'd had for quite a few years didnot make it through this year :(

19 Apr, 2011


Mine doesn't appear to either! Thats a lovely picture Sandra, the Honesty you gave me is flowering beautifully and the Fuchsia is doing great now, still in the conservatory but plan to plant it out next month;0)

19 Apr, 2011


That looks great lovely planting too.

19 Apr, 2011


I love the Euonymous too,Cinders,so much so,that I have five of them,all from one little cutting ! That's what I call good value for money..Lol
Thanks Paul,once the gap fillers are planted out,Cosmos and Poppies ,ii will be better,but there are still lots of perennials to flower yet.
Sorry about your Fuchsias,Clarice..I think I could have lost some of mine,all the same variety.Its strange as three of them are ok..Early days yet,so I will wait and see if they are slow starters :o)
Oh no,not yours as well,Carole.It is so disappointing,isn't it.Glad your Honesty is doing well too.I love the colour.I think they are the best I've ever seen them,this year.I have risked planting my Fuchsia cutting out,but it has its own little cover at night..the top half of a pop bottle without the screw top ! Lol.
Thank you 6d,its a lovely time in the garden just now,I can't believe how all our plants are growing so quickly..lets hope we don't get a late frost..still time ! :o(

19 Apr, 2011


If we do have a frost bang goes my baskets lol oh well

19 Apr, 2011


Have you anywhere you could put them,just in case,6d ?

19 Apr, 2011


No I don't I could nt get them down if I had, as grandson gets them down and puts them up for me, what you don t have you don't miss lol so will just hope.

19 Apr, 2011


I love Euonymous too, they are great for brightening shady corners. Pretty border

12 May, 2011


Thanks Annella..they have grown much more since I took this..I have had to trim two of them,as they are hanging over the path..

12 May, 2011

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